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The ‘unorthodox’ policy of quantitative easing has been central to the excesses in markets, says JP Morgan’s Liang.
It’s easy to get a negative view on property if you only look at the headlines and ignore the data.
Following a decade-long run of low-interest rates and rising asset prices, many companies took the opportunity to load up on cheap deb
An actively managed global fund manager said something along the lines of “the challenge in 2022 won’t be in outperforming the index, but rather in generating a positive return
As one can expect, there was a lot of volatility in US Treasuries during this period, making it a challenging time for analysts.
History has shown that investing into bank loans and credit markets at or near current valuation levels has delivered high single digit and double digit returns over the long-term.
Private equity (PE) has continued to stand out as an asset class amid the pandemic but particularly in light of the significant selloff in growth stocks that has occurred in 2022.
Australian CPI numbers were released this week showing a 6.1 per cent increase in consumer prices, the fastest pace in 30 years.
The Australian dollar could fall to US65 cents by the year’s end as higher interest rates in the US and capital inflows push the US dollar higher.
Australia’s leading ethical investment firm, Australian Ethical, has been among those to bear the brunt of the at times ‘brutal’ sharemarket selloff that has hit the S&P/ASX200 and S&P500 alike in 2022.
Chief Strategist Michael Hartnett at Bank of America (BofA) comically titled the July fund manager survey “I’m so bearish I’m bullish”.
Having just experienced one of the weakest periods for credit and fixed income markets since the GFC, “now is the time” to step back into the asset class according to Jeff Boswell