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Staff Writer results

‘An asset you’d want to own’: Fixed income stability to offset rate uncertainty

Whether you perceive the RBA’s messaging to be balanced or mixed, the uncertainty serves as a reminder that fixed income is a vital sleeve in any investment portfolio.

Staff Writer | 8th Jul 2024 | More
Final tally for FY24 adviser numbers revealed

Just when the quantum of registered advisers will bottom out is anyone’s guess, but the final tally for FY24 could hardly be encouraging for a government desperate to shore up the numbers.

Staff Writer | 8th Jul 2024 | More
Advice group United Global Capital’s assets frozen amid ASIC investigation

The freeze order isn’t UGC’s first engagement with the regulator. It was among the first to be pinged for not meeting the Design and Distribution Obligations back in 2022.

Staff Writer | 4th Jul 2024 | More
Why healthcare has done relatively well in the commercial property convulsion

As Australian healthcare expenditure continues to rise and investors move deeper into the sector, healthcare property is well placed to continue its outperformance of other commercial property sub-sectors.

Staff Writer | 1st Jul 2024 | More
Super fund and limited license adviser losses prove a drag on numbers

The large advice provision models are holding up in terms of personnel, but super funds and tax advisers are repositioning their offerings as the cost to serve increases at a faster rate than revenue.

Staff Writer | 1st Jul 2024 | More
  • Global market ‘sways towards private debt’ as SPV usage tipped to soar

    As market conditions turn, private debt is expected to lead the charge of private capital disbursement across the globe, with special purpose vehicles increasingly at the heart of deals according to a new study.

    Staff Writer | 27th Jun 2024 | More
    Beyond Nvidia: How listed real assets can also benefit from the AI boom

    You don’t need to invest in the world’s most expensive stocks to benefit from the AI boom, with the sector’s tentacles stretching much further than the chip-making titan according to Martin Currie.

    Staff Writer | 27th Jun 2024 | More
    Proposed financial abuse hub to help advisers identify and manage cases

    Advisers are uniquely positioned to identify and alleviate financial abuse cases, but they need support and an action framework according to the association.

    Staff Writer | 27th Jun 2024 | More
    Family offices dive into public markets, but some things still off the table… mostly

    The assets family offices invest in haven’t changed much but the ways they’re investing in them have, according to BNY Mellon Wealth. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies are seeing more interest as a new generation takes the reins.

    Staff Writer | 24th Jun 2024 | More
    Portfolios are (still) missing real diversification and downside protection

    The private markets have surged in popularity as investors hunt for a potent combination of yield and downside protection. But in a big selloff, the strategy that will do best is one that’s genuinely uncorrelated.

    Staff Writer | 24th Jun 2024 | More
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