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‘Not yet’ investors are savvy, and successful… until they aren’t

An eventual market correction won’t necessarily be marked by its depth, the famed British investor writes, but by its speed. Caution may come at a price, but Ruffer believes that cost will take on a different perspective by the time it’s been paid in full.

Jonathan Ruffer | 11th Jul 2024 | More
Qantas’ fall from grace tests limits of customer loyalty

It’s up to incoming Qantas CEO Vanessa Hudson to restore the Spirit of Australia’s battered reputation after a series of high-profile trust breaches. But getting the Flying Kangaroo back on top will take some guts from the board.

Nicholas Way | 7th Sep 2023 | More
  • Central banks wield weapon of choice in the inflation battle

    The use of interest rates by the RBA and other central banks as a means to tackle inflation is a critical economic mechanism, writes adviser David Simon. The importance of monitoring and managing this “silent enemy” cannot be understated.

    David Simon | 10th Jul 2023 | More
    Credit’s day of reckoning looms as Goldilocks era comes to a close

    Those that have made high returns by overpaying for higher-risk/lower-quality credit have been lucky, but credit conditions are unlikely to be as benign in the future, writes former Australian Catholic Super CIO Michael Block.

    Michael Block | 5th Jun 2023 | More
  • Higher rates biting into household wealth, with more pain to come

    Household wealth in September recorded its third largest quarterly decline since the Australian Bureau of Statistics began keeping records in 1989. And wealth is likely to keep falling in the coming quarters, as the lagged effects of interest rate hikes flow through.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 16th Jan 2023 | More
    Ruffer and the art of bubble spotting

    Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists in history; he founded classical mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. For all that, he lost his life savings in the South Sea Bubble of 1720.

    Lauren French | 8th Dec 2022 | More
    What are McDonald’s, Google and LVMH telling us about the economy?

    Some of the world’s biggest companies including Mcdonald’s, Alphabet and LVMH released quarterly earnings last week. Here are four takeaways for investors.

    Lachlan Buur-Jensen | 1st Aug 2022 | More
    Commodities the only highlight in rough year: Atchison

    The end of FY2022 feels a little like a blur of problems, people and red numbers; that’s not even considering what we have just been through.

    Ishan Dan | 11th Jul 2022 | More
    ‘Diversity of thought’ key to better decision-making: Neuberger

    If managing a bond portfolio is a daily tug-of-war between art and science, Adam Grotzinger, senior fixed income portfolio manager at Neuberger Berman in Chicago, is on the side of the former.

    James Dunn | 7th Jul 2022 | More
  • Geopolitics to trump inflation as biggest risk of 2023

    In a year shaped by geopolitical tensions, a pandemic, war, inflation and supply-chain disruptions, the number one threat perceived by the general public remains inflation.

    Ishan Dan | 4th Jul 2022 | More
    Marks on the ‘dismal science’ of economics, true sources of alpha

    Legendary hedge fund billionaire and investor Howard Marks, founder of Oaktree Capital, is one of the most respected finance commentators in the world, by virtue of his clarity and understanding of the market cycle.

    Drew Meredith | 4th Jul 2022 | More
    Turbulence ahead

    After months of fretting about soaring inflation, markets are now fully in recession-fear mode.

    Stephen Dover | 30th Jun 2022 | More
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