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Why fixed income is back (and better than ever)

Duration is no longer a dirty word. Private debt is a house of cards. Welcome to the new era of fixed income.

Staff Writer | 7th Jun 2024 | More
Credit to sail through cycles: The case for investment-grade debt

As we approach the bottom of the current cycle, fixed income is back to playing its traditional defensive role, says Yarra Capital Management’s Roy Keenan. To get equity-like returns without exposure to defaults, investment-grade credit should do the trick.

Lisa Uhlman | 30th Nov 2023 | More
  • Foresters urges investors to take the sustainable path

    Foresters is addressing the gap in responsible fixed income investment by offering a sustainability overlay across its funeral, investment and education bond products.

    Staff Writer | 12th Oct 2023 | More
    Three reasons senior secured loans can shine through the uncertainty: Invesco

    The uncertainty seen in markets over 2023 will likely continue over the calender year, but Invesco sees a lot of positives for loans that can only benefit investors.

    Staff Writer | 5th Oct 2023 | More
  • Neuberger Berman finds quality in agency mortgage-backed securities

    Amidst a tough environment for fixed income, agency mortgage-backed securities are one of Neuberger Berman’s highest conviction areas of relative value in the asset class.

    Staff Writer | 25th Sep 2023 | More
    A starter for yen: Ruffer

    The Bank of Japan has been marching to a different beat than other central banks. While the Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England hurried to ramp up rates in a battle against inflation, a deflationary mist lingered over Japan. Until now…

    Jasmine Yeo | 14th Sep 2023 | More
    Active bond managers careful what they wish for

    Many end-investors might assume that it is equities managers that are most at risk from whipsawing jerks in market sentiment, but fixed-income managers, too, can find themselves out of position very quickly, as something they did not see coming… comes.

    James Dunn | 11th May 2023 | More
    Fixed income finally ‘stirring interest’ among SMSF trustees

    The bond market has never had great investment appeal for Australia’s self-managed superannuation funds, but with rising yields improving their proposition, some observers say the investment tide may be coming in for fixed interest.

    Nicholas Way | 8th May 2023 | More
    Bonds surge back to relevance after hellish 2022

    Credit and equity markets both suffered a very bad 2022, as the collapse of negative correlation between stock and bond prices left no safe haven for investors. But 2023 could be a big year for bonds, with analysts warning investors waiting on the sidelines that they risk missing out.

    Lisa Uhlman | 25th Jan 2023 | More
  • Too soon for a Fed pivot, but fixed income looks promising: Atchison

    Investors are flocking to risk stocks in the hope of an early Fed pivot following a better-than-expected US inflation report. While it is too early for a pivot, according to Atchison Consultants, the longer-term outlook for fixed income is positive.

    Ishan Dan | 12th Dec 2022 | More
    Senior secured credit stands out as yields surge

    As inflation rises, senior secured loans offer a relatively undiscovered respite.

    Drew Meredith | 18th Aug 2022 | More
    From inflation to recession, Joseph Kalish calls it as it is

    Inflation may be peaking but no recession in sight says Joseph Kalish.

    Ishan Dan | 8th Aug 2022 | More
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