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  • The Inside Adviser

Building a community of trusted partners: Q&A with Hugh Robertson

The Inside Network’s Jamie Nemtsas sits down with award-winning financial adviser Hugh Robertson to discuss how to build ‘centres of influence’ that can help take an advice business to the next level.

Jamie Nemtsas | 18th Jul 2024 | More
‘Pat the dogs’: Vale Ian Murdoch, an adviser with heart

Ian was a mentor to many financial advisers, and I was one of them. He offered guidance, wisdom and an unwavering commitment to ethical practice. Long after he is gone, Ian’s influence will be felt.

Jamie Nemtsas | 17th Jul 2024 | More
  • ‘It’s bittersweet’: CSLR head explains the challenge of punishing and promoting advice

    Just how thin the line that Berry walks becomes clear when he outlines the two paradoxical objectives of the CSLR. He has to highlight the worst in financial advice, while making it seem better and more trustworthy in the eyes of the public.

    Tahn Sharpe | 20th Jun 2024 | More
    Yarra Capital’s Dion Hershan on the value of humility and conviction

    “Some kids read cartoons,” the equities manager recalls, “and some read the sports section, but I used to read the stock market tables and try to figure out what was going up and what was going down.”

    James Dunn | 7th Jun 2024 | More
  • Plugging the advice gap with new-to-market innovation: Leesa Swain

    After witnessing the horror of the GFC, a young Leesa Swain decided to help mitigate the ‘ripple effect’ of bad financial management and start a journey in financial planning that has led her to a new, digitally led solution provider.

    James Dunn | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
    A shotgun ride with Dad put this adviser in pole position

    “We’re all humans trying to make a fist of it,” says Muirfield Financial Services adviser Matt Torney. “And sure, finances matter, but people and relationships matter more.”

    James Dunn | 4th Apr 2024 | More
    Partners Private co-founder takes private equity path to portfolio management

    Sick of being locked out of large scale private equity investments, the group put together their own project in 2013. Forty projects and some outsized returns later, they’ve only recorded one that didn’t reach its targeted internal rate of return.

    Nicholas Way | 25th Mar 2024 | More
    Full circle tree-change brings Mark Folpp’s adviser journey back home

    It was a long and winding road that took Mark Folpp from accounting to broking, funds management and ultimately financial advice. He still gets to channel his “inner fund manager”, but the context is a whole lot different this time.

    James Dunn | 18th Mar 2024 | More
    David Leon: Leading the boutique, independent advice brigade

    After witnessing the evolution of the US advice market, David Leon knew his Australian clients would want product and advice to be separate. It’s why the Adelaide adviser was so surprised the Hayne Royal Commission took so long to come about.

    Nicholas Way | 19th Feb 2024 | More
  • The OG investment researcher: Rob da Silva on gorillas, conflicts and what advisers really want

    Rob da Silva didn’t plan a career in research, but a confluence of events led to an early career switch away from pure funds management. The research sector has its challenges, which the now-veteran researcher calls “frustrating”, but it also holds real pockets of opportunity for new players to add value for advisers.

    Tahn Sharpe | 31st Jan 2024 | More
    ‘We stick absolutely to our knitting’: Simon Growden’s journey with Shadforth Financial Group

    Over his 28 years as an adviser, Growden has learned a lot about investing: his mantra now is “stick to what you know”. His best investment, he says, was buying equity in what became Shadforth 25 years ago, while his worst came from moving outside rule number one.

    James Dunn | 29th Jan 2024 | More
    A link to the next generation of advisers: Steve Sloane

    The decision to build an academy for advisers wasn’t taken lightly, says Link Wealth founder Steve Sloane. But the strategy is paying dividends, with some of the best young advice talent in the country coming through its ranks.

    Nicholas Way | 18th Dec 2023 | More
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