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Labor risks repeating franking credit calamity with $3M super cap proposal

In the 2019 federal election, Labor’s proposal to abolish cash refunds for excess franking credits went down like a lead balloon. So, will the $3 million cap proposal see Labor revisit history?

Kevin Pelham | 20th May 2024 | More
‘Bitterly disappointed’: Senate to push on with plan to tax unrealised gains

Tax on unrealised assets is virtually unheard of in Australia, and imposing one on fund members sets a dangerous precedent according to the SMSF Association, which says it’s “completely unreasonable” for retirees to plan for “such a radical departure from existing policy”.

Tahn Sharpe | 16th May 2024 | More
  • SMSF market twists itself into new shapes, but will advisers follow?

    It seems that while the older generations may be tilting towards simplification, the younger generations are looking for control and engagement. For financial advisers, this is a trend worth noting.

    Drew Meredith | 8th Apr 2024 | More
    ‘No shortage of issues’ with overseas property investing for SMSFs: Deloitte

    There are far simpler avenues to overseas diversification for your SMSF than property, but if you are going to take this complex, and somewhat risky route, you better do your homework.

    Staff Writer | 4th Mar 2024 | More
  • SMSF advice review to focus on set-up suitability and early access: ASIC

    Both illegal early access and SMSF suitability are known concerns of the regulator, but Sciacca noted that the driver of this review is ASIC’s desire to audit the efficacy of its earlier guidance on SMSF advice. 

    Tahn Sharpe | 22nd Feb 2024 | More
    Modelling shows early $20,000 ‘gift’ closes SMSF gender imbalance: Class

    The gender gap may be closing in SMSF balances (and at a much faster rate than APRA funds), but it’s still a glacial pace. Class modelling shows that an early boost, combined with the magic of compounding, can redress the imbalance.

    Staff Writer | 22nd Feb 2024 | More
    Home bias saw SMSFs outperform APRA funds during brutal 2022 market slide

    In a year when Australian equities far outperformed international stocks, APRA-regulated funds felt the brunt more than SMSF trustees, who still favour the double dipped income of franked local dividends.

    Staff Writer | 19th Feb 2024 | More
    Policymakers urged to simplify ‘unnecessarily complex’ SMSF system

    Transfer Balance Caps, Super Balance Thresholds and the rules overseeing the notice of intent to claim a tax deduction are all overly complex and could do with immediate simplification, according to SMSF Association CEO Peter Burgess.

    Staff Writer | 5th Feb 2024 | More
    $3 million super cap to cost SMSF members up to $80,000 in tax

    The government’s plan to increase taxes on super balances above $3 million will have a costly impact on the SMSF sector, with thousands of members likely to face liquidity stress, according to new research from the University of Adelaide’s International Centre for Financial Services.

    Lisa Uhlman | 26th Oct 2023 | More
  • SMSF trustees lack diversification, still underweight international shares

    With new data showing offshore share investments comprise just 2 percent of total self-managed superannuation fund assets in Australia, advisers are warning SMSFs against overreliance on domestic shares and cash and urging diversification.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 10th Jul 2023 | More
    Art investment in SMSFs ‘not easily done’, but trustees backing their taste

    With almost $600 million worth of SMSF assets held in art – up 54 per cent since 2016 – the original alternative investment is seeing a significant resurgence in popularity.

    James Dunn | 19th Jun 2023 | More
    Reprieve in sight for franked distributions funded by capital raisings

    Stakeholders have welcomed a recommendation from the Senate Economics Legislative Committee that the government review its controversial plan to limit franking credits stemming from capital raisings and share buybacks.

    Tahn Sharpe | 15th Jun 2023 | More
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