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Energy transition thematic delivering niche opportunities for investors: Fortitude

“There are a range of different ways to invest in the energy transition thematic,” Fortitude explains, adding that the opportunities on the periphery often present the greatest value.

Tahn Sharpe | 4th Jul 2024 | More
Emissions retreat as energy transition takes effect: Australian Ethical

The move towards renewable sources of energy gathers pace, and while the majority of our power still comes from coal and gas, efforts to put capital behind low-emission companies is paying dividends according to the ethical investor.

Staff Writer | 20th Jun 2024 | More
  • Australian Ethical rotates to transition-linked metals as broader resources market weakens

    The ethical investor is using the China’s sluggish reemergence from the pandemic as an opportunity to rotate into more investments that facilitate a sustainable future, while simultaneously fortifying the return profile of its flagship fund.

    Tahn Sharpe | 7th Jun 2024 | More
    Australian Ethical hunts opportunities in private debt, climate tech

    The $10 billion ethical investors expects “quite an evolution” in climate resilience and mitigation investing, as well as growing interest in sectors like water, where it is “actively exploring” opportunities.

    Staff Writer | 27th May 2024 | More
  • ESG in action: How investment teams are funding research and leaning on laggards

    Getting to net-zero by 2025 will require an enormous shift of capital. This can only happen if groups with leverage apply pressure to financial services entities that are at the coal-face of change.

    Staff Writer | 9th May 2024 | More
    Can banks… be good? Why ethical investors don’t automatically shun the big financials

    The banks may not be perfect, but their collective role in facilitating a developed ecosystem, combined with the leverage they have through lending and capital allocation, means they often fall within Australian Ethical’s “investible universe”.

    Staff Writer | 18th Apr 2024 | More
    Surging equity markets highlight importance of valuation discipline: Australian Ethical

    An elevated market is a good thing, but investors that take a valuation mindset into asset allocation need to be wary of what that means for prices. “Chasing momentum” is a real danger, says Australian Ethical’s Mark Williams.

    Staff Writer | 7th Mar 2024 | More
    Difficult conditions suit small caps, active management: Atchison

    Australia may not have the Magnificent Seven tech stocks, but a heavy top end on the ASX means concentration risk is just as present, Atchison’s says. According to Australian Ethical, that puts the domestic small companies sector right in frame for investors.

    Drew Meredith | 22nd Feb 2024 | More
    Environmental reporting taking precedence over cybersecurity concerns: Perennial

    The pressure of meeting a spaghetti-like network of reporting standards has forced company executives to de-prioritise cybersecurity in favour of meeting global greenhouse gas emission targets, according to Perennial.

    Staff Writer | 12th Feb 2024 | More
  • Australian Ethical zeroes in on energy transition with new infrastructure debt fund

    Australian Ethical’s partner in the new fund, Infradebt, is an ubiquitous presence in Australia’s energy transition movement, having funded 40 renewable projects to date.

    Staff Writer | 6th Feb 2024 | More
    Economic and political policy key to mitigating future financial risk: Allspring

    Biodiversity is under rising threat around the world, with potentially disastrous economic and social consequences. Investing in programs that manage and protect these assets will be key to mitigating the associated risks.

    Staff Writer | 5th Feb 2024 | More
    Global regulators chart ESG path for companies to follow in 2024

    In 2023 governments came to a general awareness that to achieve net-zero, robust and consistent ESG policy frameworks must be put in place. In 2024, we should see a continuation of that theme according to New-York based investment group Neuberger Berman.

    Tahn Sharpe | 22nd Jan 2024 | More
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