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Busting senior secured loan myths with Invesco’s best and brightest

Contrary to popular misconception, senior secured loans actually sit at the safest part of the capital structure and remain backed by company assets. That they’re unsafe is one of several fallacies that needs to be busted, says Invesco’s Ashley O’Connor.

Staff Writer | 20th May 2024 | More
Bank of Mum and Dad looks to investment bonds for property deposit

For many, planning to help kids and grandkids out with a first home deposit is something that needs to be done strategically, with timelines, capital growth and tax implications front of mind. Here, investment bonds could be the key.

Staff Writer | 29th Apr 2024 | More
  • ‘The Golden Times’ launches, covering retirement investing and lifestyle issues for Australians

    The Inside Network is launching a new publication aimed at keeping retirement-age Australians informed about investing, with a host of content designed to help them live their best life.

    Nicholas Way | 10th Apr 2024 | More
    The art of investing through the AI revolution

    The rise of AI is part of a global knowledge revolution that is reshaping every aspect of our lives, according to AI thought leaders at the Australian Investor Association’s recent investX conference. While it’s new territory, the same investment principles should apply in picking the winners from the losers.

    Lisa Uhlman | 16th Oct 2023 | More
  • Diversification is a free lunch, but you get what you pay for

    Diversification is one of the most effective tools an investor can use, for the simple reason that spreading risk means you are unlikely to get wiped out if one or two investments go bust. But it is not a foolproof concept, and in fact it is laden with potential traps.

    James Dunn | 17th Aug 2023 | More
    Investment bonds easing financial stress for tax-savvy consumers

    There may be some caveats, but investment bonds can serve as a tax efficient investment vehicle. This is especially so when planning for life events like schooling, inheritances or property purchases.

    Staff Writer | 17th Aug 2023 | More
    Analysts make the case for exposure timing and structured correlation

    As an ever-more-connected world makes it harder to deliver uncorrelated portfolios, there are still strategies investors can use to add diversification. Industry leaders recently discussed opportunities in equities and fixed income at The Inside Network’s inaugural Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand.

    Lisa Uhlman | 14th Aug 2023 | More
    High tax-payers set to gain max benefit from investment bonds: Foresters

    For the right investor, investment bonds can provide a seriously beneficial after-tax return according to Foresters Financial chief executive Emma Sakellaris.

    Staff Writer | 29th Jun 2023 | More
    When investing with discretion is the better part of valour: Ruffer

    It is striking how little little yield premium equities are offering over the official interest rate at them moment, says Ruffer’s Steve Russel. Investors may be tempted, but he warns that a cautious road may suit for the period ahead.

    Steve Russell | 29th Jun 2023 | More
  • US shares outperform, but analysts doubt rally will continue

    True to form, US stocks are outperforming Aussie shares on the back of a resurgence in technology-related company valuations. Economists warn against straying from diversification, however, with Aussie miners still offering investors capital returns on top of an underlying hedge against a US downturn.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 19th Jun 2023 | More
    In falling markets, dollar-cost averaging can help reduce exposure

    Dollar-cost averaging allows investors to be in the market for the good days as well as the bad. This can help reduce exposure to market declines, as recent research shines light on the difficulty of timing the market.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 9th Mar 2023 | More
    The most common illiquidity, risk and volatility fallacies investors face

    Lending specialist Daniel Zwirn spoke candidly about investor “credit myths”, and the misunderstandings that hold people back in the selection and movement of assets in portfolio construction.

    Tahn Sharpe | 23rd Feb 2023 | More
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