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Soaring ETF market needs asset servicing to match its growth

Inefficiencies in the back office and clearing systems that the burgeoning ETF market relies on need to be rooted out, but data shows there may be a disconnect between what providers and consumers believe matters.

Tahn Sharpe | 15th Jul 2024 | More
Minister turns back on CSLR as AFCA steps in, looks to cut Dixons membership

It’s a welcome stopper on the amount advisers will have to fork out, but has no connection to the core issue. The government still fails to recognise the inherent flaws in its CSLR scheme, and the industry is running out of patience.

Tahn Sharpe | 30th May 2024 | More
  • ‘Now’s the time’: FPA, AFA announce merger plans

    Prompted by advice industry rationalisation, the Levy review and the need for a united voice in Canberra, the two major associations will invite members to provide feedback on a proposed merger.

    Tahn Sharpe | 1st Sep 2022 | More
    Australian Super’s fee plan needs a second look

    Fee raises at the nation’s biggest super fund have raised questions about the benefits of scale. If Australian Super has to increase fees, what chance do smaller funds have?

    Drew Meredith | 1st Sep 2022 | More
  • Holes revealed in new fund disclosure regulations

    Morningstar has released a research paper citing how “abysmal” Australia’s portfolio holdings disclosure requirements are for superannuation funds.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 4th Aug 2022 | More
    Private markets remain key to income, diversification

    News that Australian Super had reported a negative return of just 2.7 per cent for the FY22 financial year likely came as a surprise to many.

    Ishan Dan | 25th Jul 2022 | More
    Hostplus claims top spot for super returns in 2021-22

    Research houses and Chant West and SuperRatings have released lists of the top performing superannuation funds for 2021-22, and leading both lists is Hostplus’ Balanced fund.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 25th Jul 2022 | More
    SOAs do little to address information asymmetry

    While the focus of the advice industry groups has very much been around making the day to day lives of those in the industry easier, the likes of the AFCA, Vanguard and several law firms have offered insight into the impact on the consumer.

    Drew Meredith | 25th Jul 2022 | More
    ‘Incredible’ dispersion in balanced fund returns

    2022 has marked just the fifth financial year of negative returns since the SG became compulsory in 1992. This should not be a surprising result.

    Drew Meredith | 18th Jul 2022 | More
  • Balanced super fund returns in the red

    The term “hold on for dear life” came to explain the events of 2020 and 2021, as did “buy the dip.” For those beginning investing for the first time their experience couldn’t have been more positive.

    Drew Meredith | 14th Jul 2022 | More
    High court ruling gives certainty on binding nominations

    Self-managed super funds have once again returned to popularity in recent years, with establishments seeing growth once again, as more Australians become engaged with their retirement assets.

    Drew Meredith | 27th Jun 2022 | More
    Regulator warns underperforming funds on member comms

    Bringing oversight to a multi-trillion dollar sector was important, but the regulations are far from perfect, with many suggesting they effectively direct industry funds toward an indexed approach, or alternatively, don’t appreciate the nuances of investing for the very long-term.

    Drew Meredith | 27th Jun 2022 | More
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