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James Dunn

James is an experienced senior journalist and host of The Inside Network's industry events.

James Dunn results

Navigating minefields and the lobster pot to unlock UK pensions: Sara Lucas

Dealing with the complexity of her own UK pension led the adviser to specialising in helping clients to do the same. Since then, she’s become an expert in a field most other advisers shy away from.

James Dunn | 1st Jul 2024 | More
Yarra Capital’s Dion Hershan on the value of humility and conviction

“Some kids read cartoons,” the equities manager recalls, “and some read the sports section, but I used to read the stock market tables and try to figure out what was going up and what was going down.”

James Dunn | 7th Jun 2024 | More
Plugging the advice gap with new-to-market innovation: Leesa Swain

After witnessing the horror of the GFC, a young Leesa Swain decided to help mitigate the ‘ripple effect’ of bad financial management and start a journey in financial planning that has led her to a new, digitally led solution provider.

James Dunn | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
Brigid Asquith-Hunt and the language of legacy in financial advice

Making a connection is at the heart of any financial adviser’s value proposition, the consultant says. But to do that, the right language must be leveraged to understand what a client’s legacy values truly are.

James Dunn | 9th May 2024 | More
Funds management marketing set to change with new wave of generative AI tech

The task of standing out in a crowded market place is not getting easier for product providers. Generative AI may hold the key, Michael Kollo says.

James Dunn | 22nd Apr 2024 | More
  • Iron-ore prices push higher, bolstering Australian miners

    The S&P/ASX 200 Index rose by 0.5 per cent, driven by the increase in iron ore price. This surge propelled Rio Tinto up by 1.7 per cent, while Fortescue advanced by 0.4 per cent, and BHP increased by 1.5 per cent. The materials sector led gains, adding 1 per cent, followed closely by the technology…

    James Dunn | 19th Apr 2024 | More
    Private equity players breach the final frontier: Space investment

    The “NewSpace” field has opened up in the wake of government entities pulling back their spaceflight programs across the world, which has given rise to a whole new class of Infrastructure-as-a-Service investment opportunities.

    James Dunn | 10th Apr 2024 | More
    A shotgun ride with Dad put this adviser in pole position

    “We’re all humans trying to make a fist of it,” says Muirfield Financial Services adviser Matt Torney. “And sure, finances matter, but people and relationships matter more.”

    James Dunn | 4th Apr 2024 | More
    The four ‘D’s of opportunity in healthcare investment

    Melbourne-based specialist investment firm Horizon 3 is backing its knowledge in what is a very broad sector, but one that offers investors the chance to achieve a high level of return with low correlation.

    James Dunn | 28th Mar 2024 | More
    The three buckets behind Perennial’s private growth capital push

    Money managers are rising to meet the capital demands of companies wanting to stay private for longer. These days, though, they’re doing it with a strategic mindset that properly encapsulates a spectrum of investment maturity periods.

    James Dunn | 25th Mar 2024 | More
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