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Greg Bright

Consulting Publisher

Greg has worked in financial services-related media for more than 30 years. He is a former economics writer for the Sydney Morning Herald and assistant editor and business editor for the Australian Financial Review. Greg has founded many magazines, newsletters and conferences in the funds management industry. Titles he has launched include: Super Review, Investor Daily, IFA, Investor Weekly, Investor Supermarket, SMSF Magazine, the Blue Book, Investment Magazine, I&T News, Professional Planner, Top1000Funds.com, IO&C News, Investor Strategy News and New Investor.

Greg Bright results

MAX Award winners and the new world outside

Half-way through the MAX and Investment Leadership awards for 2022, the audience was silenced by researcher and co-organiser Alex Dunnin. He said: ‘Life has caught up with us.” His forecasts were chillin

Greg Bright | 13th Jun 2022 | More
Why China is ahead in the cycle

China is a little ahead of the US in the current re-pricing of global equities. That, coupled with western geopolitical concerns, has presented a new round of opportunities.

Greg Bright | 10th Jun 2022 | More
Best bets at the MAX Awards

While the media they use have been in a state of constant disruption for at least 25 years, the noble arts of sales and marketing remain steadfast in pursuit of their goals. Next month’s MAX Awards will tell us how they are faring.

Greg Bright | 12th May 2022 | More
Allspring’s plans for Australian expansion

The former Wells Fargo Asset Management, a 52-year-old pioneering US fund manager, has targeted Australia and New Zealand in its new incarnation as an independent global firm. Allspring Global Investments’ regional expansion is being led by new regional chief executive, Andy Sowerby. If history is a guide, the rollout of institutional funds management capabilities will…

Greg Bright | 21st Mar 2022 | More
Mental health: enough awareness; action needed

Thanks in part to the pandemic, employers now have sufficient awareness of mental health problems in the workforce, their human and economic costs. Now is the time for programs to solve them. A multi-country, multi-industry webinar last week (December 9) looked at how employers should learn from the impact of Covid-19 and put in place…

Greg Bright | 13th Dec 2021 | More
  • Top hedge fund award goes to L1 Capital

    L1 Capital has taken out the prestigious ‘Alternative Investment Manager of the Year Award’ at the annual Australian Alternative Investment Awards for 2021. The award presentations were held in conjunction with the 20th anniversary Hedge Funds Rock charity dinner in Sydney last Friday night (December 10). They represented a welcome and lively return to normality…

    Greg Bright | 13th Dec 2021 | More
    What it takes to be a top fund manager

    Key characteristics which shone out in the winners of the top categories at this year’s Zenith Investment Partners awards were a pioneering spirit and persistence. The winner of the ‘Fund Manager of the Year’ award, Perpetual Asset Management, can boast possibly the oldest Australian equities fund, and adherence to its long-term focus and value style…

    Greg Bright | 18th Oct 2021 | More
    Looking beyond a rising market

    Many investors have benefited from surging asset prices over the past 12 months, but the question they should ask is whether the rising tide has lifted all boats. In the second of two articles highlighting some of the finalists at the upcoming 10th Annual Zenith Investment Partners Awards, The Inside Adviser provides a little background…

    Greg Bright | 27th Sep 2021 | More
    The inside running for Zenith’s fund awards

    Insiders at the Zenith Investment Partners annual awards know that you can improve your chances of guessing the winner of the major Fund Manager of the Year category by studying history. For instance, in the past 10 years since the annual awards have been held – this is the 10th year – no winner of…

    Greg Bright | 20th Sep 2021 | More
    Matt Rady’s big new job

    Having left the ambitious specialist retirement start-up of the Allianz Insurance group, Allianz Retire+, in July, Matt Rady was this week named as CEO of BT Financial Group. Rady became the inaugural CEO of Allianz Retire+ in June 2018, after a long search during which the firm’s founder and driving force, Adrian Stewart, a former…

    Greg Bright | 16th Sep 2021 | More
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