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During March, Australia’s sharemarket unexpectedly claimed pole position against the majority of the world’s larger and more developed markets.
The near $1 billion Martin Currie Real Income Fund has been preparing for an outbreak of inflation since 2021, according to Ashton Reid, Portfolio Manager of the domestically focused strategy.
Amid ongoing elevated volatility, some financial advisers are recommending that investors hold alternative investments, including market neutral funds, which could help cushion portfolios against a broad market sell-off.
“We are at a critical crossroad, with an aging population, and the “Great Australian Wealth Transfer” at our doorstep” explained Lifespan Financial Planning CEO Eugene Ardino in an open letter to Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese on the eve of the Federal Election.
The move away from so-called ‘growth stocks’ which began in Q3 2020 is set to continue, with the winter for ‘value investing’ set to thaw according to Colin Graham of Robeco’s Muti-Asset team.
Government policy continues to lag private markets when it comes to the energy transition, with Federation Asset Management’s latest deal to buy two battery assets a sign of the things to come.
From the outset, it is important to highlight that I do not disagree that interest rates should be higher than the current ’emergency’ settings by the Reserve Bank of Australia.
ESG investing and everything that comes with it have grown in both popularity and importance in recent years.
2022 has been a difficult time for most investors, but for none more so than bond fund managers. The New Year’s resolution of global central banks to (finally) aggressively combat accelerating inflation has seen an incredible surge in bond yields in Australia and around the world. A case in point is the Australian 10 Year…
Demand for venture capital (VC) has soared in recent years amidst expectations for more muted public-market returns. Late-stage VC sits between VC and traditional private equity (PE), and is focused on backing the rapidly growing segment of already-successful companies with established market share, and typically exhibiting $50 million or more in revenue. “The number of…
“We all think we know China, but you won’t think of China the same way after this presentation” explained James Dunn, host of The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium held in April. He was introducing Lewis Prescott, international CEO of Mingshi Investment Management, a multi-billion-dollar quantitative equity manager that recently launched in Australia….
All fund managers like to talk about protecting capital, but at Ruffer Investment Management, it is a more embedded philosophy than most. The firm was founded by Jonathan Ruffer on the principle that “investors like making money, but they hate losing money more.” Ruffer is built to preserve capital for the long-term: centred on “absolute-return investing with…