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‘Golden age” for quant in China

“We all think we know China, but you won’t think of China the same way after this presentation” explained James Dunn, host of The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium held in April. He was introducing Lewis Prescott, international CEO of Mingshi Investment Management, a multi-billion-dollar quantitative equity manager that recently launched in Australia….

Ishan Dan | 28th Apr 2022 | More
Going against “the nirvana people are expecting”

“If you ask 100 engineers how much steel and concrete are required to build a bridge, and 99 engineers say x amount of steel and y amount of concrete, and one engineer – just one – says half of x and half of y, I think there’s probably more chance of falling pregnant via wind…

Staff Writer | 26th Apr 2022 | More
  • ‘You don’t need to swing for the fences to get good returns’

    The passive vs. active debate remains alive and well, particularly in the larger company universe, where being different to the index is quite a challenge, and in many cases, a career risk. The consistent standout among the quarterly passive vs. active reports, however, has been the Australian smaller company sector. Globally recognised as companies valued…

    Ishan Dan | 26th Apr 2022 | More
    ETF Securities to launch Australia’s first crypto ETFs

    ETF Securities and 21Shares have confirmed the launch of Australia’s first Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs), allowing local investors to invest in both cryptocurrencies. According to a press announcement from ETF Securities, the leading ETF provider will launch two funds offering simple and cost-effective access to cryptocurrency investments. They are: ETFS 21Shares Bitcoin ETF…

    Ishan Dan | 21st Apr 2022 | More
  • Pricing power is the only counter to inflation pressures

    ‘A thief in the night’ was the title of Stephen Hayes’ session at last weeks’ Equities and Growth Assets Symposium hosted by The Inside Network. Tasked with confronting the most significant and pressing issue facing investors and asset allocators around the world, Hayes managed to summarise it quite simple ‘pricing power’ is what really matters….

    Drew Meredith | 21st Apr 2022 | More
    Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much

    “Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much.” – Walter Lippman This quote was the premise of one of Australia’s longest-standing investment managers, Paul Moore, when presenting at the industry-leading Inside Network Equities and Growth Assets Symposium this month. Commenting on the seemingly never-ending and ubiquitous “groupthink” that pervades investment markets, he suggests…

    Drew Meredith | 21st Apr 2022 | More
    FinClear set to launch private market trading platform

    Magellan’s investment in fast growing fintech FinClear is becoming more prescient by the day, with the company this week announcing they will shortly be rolling out a share registry dedicated to private companies. In 2021, the group took over third party clearing house Pershing, which took their technology-driven platform to adminstering some $130 billion in…

    Drew Meredith | 17th Apr 2022 | More
    Factor performance in 1Q sees value outperform: MSCI research

    MSCI has recently examined how different equity factors have performed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and found that stocks related to oil rallied alongside others that were metal-related. In terms of the broader economic environment, the value factor is expected to outperform in this period of rising inflation. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the first quarter…

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 17th Apr 2022 | More
    Advisers have become ‘overly reliant’ on capital growth to drive returns

    “It’s not about forecasting if it is going to rain, one should always carry an umbrella” explained Hugh Selby-Smith when discussing the ‘system challenge’ facing investment advisers as we move deeper into 2022. Speaking at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium in Sydney, Selby-Smith delivered a wide-ranging, thought-provoking presentation on the significant challenge…

    Drew Meredith | 17th Apr 2022 | More
  • Global economy in the middle of a ‘classic slowdown’: BCA

    To understand where the global economy stands today, we must look to the past and most importantly back to the business cycle, explained Irene Tunkel, Chief US Equity Strategist at BCA Research. Speaking at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium last week, Tunkel highlighted the unique challenges facing every investor in the world….

    Drew Meredith | 11th Apr 2022 | More
    All eyes on supply chains

    Supply chain pressures highlight the important role and economic value created by companies working to make our infrastructure more efficient. As we review the daily headlines chronicling the tug-of-war between inflation and interest rates, we are reminded what a difficult job macroeconomic investors have and how grateful we are to be fundamental investors. For as…

    Francyne Mu | 11th Apr 2022 | More
    Ethical investing isn’t just another theme

    The growing popularity of ESG-themed strategies by fund managers is no doubt a positive for the globe, but the “proliferation of product” is muddying the waters of sustainability and green-themed investments. This was the core message delivered by Australian Ethical’s head of domestic equities, Mike Murray, when presenting at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth…

    Staff Writer | 11th Apr 2022 | More
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