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The United Nations has described the managers of global real estate assets as ‘one of the most important decision-making groups on Earth’.
Cybersecurity has become the latest battle facing the under pressure, stressed financial advice industry following a landmark court ruling.
For investors looking to build positions in quality technology firms, the US computer chip giants are trading at attractive price levels, with many brokers now rating them as a buy, according to data from the Wall Street Journal.
After a tumultuous few years that have seen reporting, compliance and information gathering requirements reach extreme levels, ASIC appeared to offer some respite this week.
It has been an incredible few months in markets, with the tech stock selloff, compounding into a crypto rout, all with the backdrop of the worst performance from bond markets in decades.
The last few years have seen both massive opportunities and challenges for ethical and ESG-focused investors.
Westpac has added $1.5bn in net inflows for the 1H of the year on its BT Panorama platform while still looking for a buyer.
Alternative investments are gaining popularity, mainly due to their low correlation to more traditional assets such as stocks and bonds.
“Patience is a virtue” may well be the best way to explain the performance of the Australian sharemarket in the March quarter.
The financial services market has been more active than ever in 2022, with the shortage of workers and significant growth leading to a flurry of activity in role and job changes.
Do you know the name of your number 1 client? I am sure you do. What about the name of your number 20 client? Or your number 43 client? Â
“We are at a critical crossroad, with an aging population, and the “Great Australian Wealth Transfer” at our doorstep” explained Lifespan Financial Planning CEO Eugene Ardino in an open letter to Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese on the eve of the Federal Election.