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Annabelle Dickson

Annabelle Dickson results

Is it time to seek ESG improvers?

The popularity of ESG strategies means the world may be running out of appropriately priced investment opportunities in the sector. In this paper, Amundi writes that it may be time to look for companies that are seeking to improve their business practices but aren’t yet ‘ESG leaders’.

Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
The cost of transition

Systematic investment group Parametric, offer a case study into the most important issue missed by institutional investors when they seek to change investment strategy; tax.

Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
Ready to boom

The penetration of e-commerce in China remains below 20%, but is the fastest growing and largest market of its kind in the world. This paper looks at those companies winning the battle for clicks across the Asian region.

Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
The power of engagement

Investing to improve lives  is the mantra of Martin Currie, one of the world leaders in ESG investing. This annual report reviews the year that was highlighting seismic  moves in society amidst the pandemic and flagging its extensive engagement on governance, meeting 178 companies.

Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
The path to recovery

According to global asset manager Franklin Templeton there is no historical comparison for the magnitude of aggregate demand that is currently being destroyed . So how do we recover? Through a combination of co-ordinated policy responses and China likely leading the way.

Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
  • An introduction to ETFs

    A short summary sheet for clients and advisers, outlining the many types and options in the fast growing sector.

    Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
    Eaton Vance

    Gender diversity delivers benefits: ESG consulting group, Calvert, undertook extensive research into the impacts of female leadership in large companies. According to the analysis, boards with more than four women outperformed those with less.

    Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
    Q2 Global Outlook

    The COVID-19 recovery is looking more U than V-shaped as hoped, according to Western Asset Management. That said, lockdowns will act only as a disruption to a strong US recovery, with the group favouring consumer names across Europe and the US.

    Annabelle Dickson | 27th Aug 2020 | More
    The sun shines on M&A activity in renewables

    Mergers and acquisitions have come to a grinding halt this year. But activity in the renewable energy sector is heating up with a number of deals. According to Bloomberg data, in the wider market, Australia’s deal activity dropped to $13.8 billion in the first quarter of 2020, a 32 per cent drop from the 12…

    Annabelle Dickson | 29th Jun 2020 | More
    Adviser Profile: Matthew Scholten

    Matthew Scholten is the executive chair of Scholten Collins McKissock in Melbourne. He is a Certified Financial Planner and has qualifications from the Australian Insurance Institute (AIA), the SMSF Association and the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA). Scholten became a member of the Inside Network in May 2020, seeking to create better outcomes…

    Annabelle Dickson | 29th Jun 2020 | More
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