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  • Annabelle Dickson

  • Greg Bright

  • Ishan Dan

  • Lachlan Maddock

  • Staff Writer

Markets grow “irrationally enthusiastic” for ESG

Markets are experiencing a “manic moment” around ESG investments and less exuberance now might not be “a bad thing in the longer run”, according to Fidelity investment director Tom Stevenson. Stevenson likens the obsession with ESG to the popularity of the “Nifty 50” – stocks like Kodak, IBM and Xerox – in the 1970s and…

Lachlan Maddock | 1st Jul 2021 | More
Will Taiwan tension derail emerging market allocations?

As investors start to look past the pandemic, the economic cost and scarring from Covid-19 has been significant. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says “unlike the 2008 crisis, emerging markets and developing economies are expected to suffer more scarring than advanced economies”. In the same way that the US and Australia were able to provide…

Ishan Dan | 6th May 2021 | More
Digital divide exacerbated income inequality during pandemic

According to US$3.3 trillion ($4.3 trillion) asset manager, Fidelity International, companies with strong ESG characteristics outperformed in 2020, and should be expected to continue delivering strong returns into the future. That said, significant work lies ahead as the global economy moves towards a more ‘sustainable’ footing with asset managers central to this process. “Engagement” has…

Staff Writer | 9th Mar 2021 | More
  • Allen Partners brings bitcoin manager to Australia

    Due to its open-source ethos, bitcoin has travelled an unconventional growth path. For starters, no-one seems to know who invented it (rumoured to be a Sydneysider, possible pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto) but what we know is when it will all end – in 104 years when the last bitcoin will be mined. Putting its start behind…

    Greg Bright | 15th Dec 2020 | More
    Managers queue to catch the quoted funds wave

    Loftus Peak, Australian global equities boutique, has become the second manager to launch a “quoted managed fund.” This looks set to become a strong trend in retail distribution, with a host of managers lining up for the new form of listing and an extra administrator entering this part of the market, Link Fund Solutions. The…

    Greg Bright | 15th Nov 2020 | More
    Finding the value in waste

    A new take on environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing has emerged with the launch of a fund tackling sustainable opportunities in the water and waste management sectors. Fidelity International recently launched the Fidelity Sustainable Water and Waste Fund in Australia. In what is an under-researched sector, the fund seeks to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns…

    Annabelle Dickson | 17th Jun 2020 | More