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  • The Inside Adviser

Good and bad news for IOOF

The good news for IOOF (ASX: IFL) following the battering it took from shareholders last month is that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has approved its MLC takeover. The bad news is that the remaining class action against it has been funded. The ACCC said on Monday it would not oppose IOOF’s $1.4…

Greg Bright | 14th Dec 2020 | More
FASEA to be disbanded, exam still required

2021 may be shaping up as the ‘Year of the Financial Adviser’. After what has been a tumultuous and stressful few years for the industry, promises of a more streamlined regulatory framework may finally be coming to fruition. Assistant Minster for Superannuation and Financial Services, Jane Hume, and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg had a business day…

Drew Meredith | 9th Dec 2020 | More
TPB review highlights over-regulation of advisers

Whether it’s due to the long delay on Parliamentary sittings or the realisation that financial advisers had become regulatory gymnasts, it seems the tide is starting to turn on financial advice. The establishment of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and requirements for any financial advisers who provided ‘tax’ advice to be registered was no doubt…

The Inside Adviser | 3rd Dec 2020 | More
  • Is affordable advice possible post the Royal Commission?

    The Banking Royal Commission was a watershed moment for the financial advising industry, and almost two years on, has there been change? In one word, yes. Too much change. So much change, that Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Morrison government, along with a long list of industry leaders are all  saying  that…

    Ishan Dan | 25th Nov 2020 | More
    Advice regulation evolving before our eyes

    It’s been a busy few years for the financial advice industry and its regulators, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Yet if the past week is anything to go by, things are only likely to be get busier in 2021. November has seen a series of announcements, submissions and potentially wide-ranging changes to…

    The Inside Adviser | 25th Nov 2020 | More
    SMSFs cheaper to run than ASIC says

    SMSFs are not as expensive to operate as many, including ASIC and the Productivity Commission, have led us to believe, according to a report by consulting actuaries Rice Warner, and published to coincide with the start of ‘SMSF Week’. The report was commissioned by the SMSF Association (SMSFA) which has been continually irked by both…

    Greg Bright | 23rd Nov 2020 | More
  • Advisers should expect more changes with insurance

    For many advisers, life insurance is an important part of their income. But unless the insurance sector changes its business lines, particularly with troublesome income protection products, they will all feel the pinch come the third quarter next year. The industry will have to re-cut its products, not just with income protection (IP) insurance, according…

    Greg Bright | 12th Nov 2020 | More
    Retail investors smarter than you think

    New retail investors entered the sharemarket in droves over the first six months of the pandemic’s impact. Contrary to widely held views, for the most part, on average, they did very well. Very well indeed. But one has to be careful of averages. They can often mask skews from big single numbers and rarely do…

    Greg Bright | 9th Nov 2020 | More
  • Tesla among six new stocks added to the Chi-x TraCRs platform

    Investors are piling into COVID-hit international companies amid a share trading boom. According to ASIC’s analysis of trading volumes during the COVID period, share trading volumes among retail investors have doubled. With that in mind, international share trading has become a lot easier, but can still come at a substantial cost, with added tax implications,…

    Ishan Dan | 2nd Nov 2020 | More
    Plans for a simpler, cheaper advice system

    The Financial Services Council (FSC) is to now prepare a policy discussion (a ‘green paper’) for the industry and government, to be delivered in 2021, following the release of a major report by Rice Warner proposing sweeping changes to Australia’s financial advice system. The Rice Warner report was commissioned by the FSC and discussed at…

    Greg Bright | 22nd Oct 2020 | More