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“We are at a critical crossroad, with an aging population, and the “Great Australian Wealth Transfer” at our doorstep” explained Lifespan Financial Planning CEO Eugene Ardino in an open letter to Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese on the eve of the Federal Election.
A bounce in share markets in March supported superannuation fund performance in the first quarter of 2022. However, with inflation concerns mounting, global share markets remain volatile, including the hard-hit US share market, which is likely to dent superannuation returns for the current financial year.Â
In 2021 the “Your Future Your Super” (YFYS) performance test was introduced to gauge whether default super funds, which collected billions in guaranteed contributions, were up-to-scratch in terms of their investment performance. Speaking at the SMSF Association’s National Conference 2022, Philip La Greca, executive manager of SMSF Technical & Strategic Solutions at Super Concepts, who…
Superannuation investments can have a big impact on the climate, and superannuation funds are increasingly offering investors more climate-friendly investment options, which according to recent research can be more effective in combating climate change than changing our daily behaviours. The momentum for more environmentally friendly investments is rising. While the Association of Superannuation Funds of…
Prime Minister Scott Morrison took the opportunity at this week’s Liberal Party meeting to confirm that the minimum pension drawdown standards would be reduced for another financial year. The so-called COVID-19 measures were set to apply for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years in light of the financial losses experienced by investors during the pandemic….
Despite coming through the COVID-19 lockdowns seemingly unscathed, it seems that Queenslanders have been dipping the hardest into their superannuation under the early release clauses.