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A game-changer for managed funds?

The launch early in February this year of Australia’s first unlisted fund to be quoted on the ASX, by Magellan group and its administrator, Mainstream, took a while to sink in, not helped by the dislocation caused by the pandemic crisis. But, as Australia at least, is preparing to get back to business at some…

Greg Bright | 8th Oct 2020 | More
Can you be converted?

There is a US$550 billion ($764 billion) market that is rarely considered by Australian investors. Convertible bonds (CBs) are barely used locally, while in the US and Europe these are a key component of a growing company’s capital and pension fund portfolios. To appreciate this market, we must consider why CBs make sense for an…

Staff Writer | 1st Oct 2020 | More
  • Property never sleeps

    Although the economic shutdown in Melbourne has put a dampener on property transactions, the world continues outside Victoria, with several major transactions as we pass through September. Specialist property fund manager Castlerock has added another key regional property to its Auslink Property Trust (No.2), spending more than $55 million to acquire the property at 45…

    Staff Writer | 14th Sep 2020 | More
    The failure of fancy strategies

    While one can fret about the relative performance of equity and fixed income funds, the frustration with those that have underperformed is directed at their evident style bias.

    Giselle Roux | 7th Sep 2020 | More
  • Post-pandemic, the only way is robo for advisers

    Navigating their way through a pandemic both personally and on behalf of clients, has served to further increase the burden on an already stretched financial advice industry. It’s hard to blame the thousands of advisers choosing to exit and seek careers elsewhere when you combine the increasing compliance requirements and nuances of the Royal Commission…

    Ishan Dan | 31st Aug 2020 | More
    The path to recovery

    According to global asset manager Franklin Templeton there is no historical comparison for the magnitude of aggregate demand that is currently being destroyed . So how do we recover? Through a combination of co-ordinated policy responses and China likely leading the way.

    Contributor | 27th Aug 2020 | More
    Reporting season enters its final week – August 24 – 28

    Company reporting season is in its final stretch with roughly two-thirds of the ASX 200 having reported and another +40 companies still to go.

    Ishan Dan | 25th Aug 2020 | More
    Lockdown 2.0 – How the second wave will hit markets

    Just when you thought it was over. Coronavirus strikes again.

    Ishan Dan | 28th Jul 2020 | More
    E is not for easy

    Recent years have had pundits focus on the potential growth and relative valuation of emerging markets. The terminology alone is obtuse, just what is emerging? Korea, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Indonesia, Czech Republic?

    Giselle Roux | 13th Jul 2020 | More
  • Looking past Qantas, to Aviation Green Shoot

    If anyone was thinking that recovery from the Covid-19 economic downturn would be quick and perfectly V-shaped, Qantas certainly had news for them, with its commentary around its recovery plan and $1.9 billion capital raising. “It will take years before international flying returns to what it was,” said CEO Alan Joyce. Qantas foresees flying to only…

    James Dunn | 29th Jun 2020 | More
    War vs. COVID-19

    The scale of the human, social and economic costs wrought by COVID-19 has prompted some politicians to compare it with war. Although this might create some good political spin, which is always attractive to politicians, it is not correct. The differences between COVID-19 and actual war are many and varied. In truth, the only thing…

    Contributor | 27th May 2020 | More
    Suncorp’s chief banking and wealth departs after three months

    Lee Hatton has departed Suncorp as its chief executive of banking and wealth after just three months in the job. Hatton acknowledges that her departure is due to the impacts of the commute from Sydney to Brisbane on her family.Bruce Rush has been appointed as acting chief executive of banking and wealth until a permanent…

    Contributor | 13th May 2020 | More