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Navigating geopolitics in an uncertain world

As quickly as the world came out of the pandemic, it was faced with yet another black swan event that caused markets to capitulate, and left supply chains in disarray.

Ishan Dan | 23rd Jun 2022 | More
Aggressive Fed increases risk of policy error: Clearbridge

As quickly as the world came out of the pandemic, it was faced with yet another black swan event that caused markets to capitulate, and left supply chains in disarray.

Ishan Dan | 23rd Jun 2022 | More
  • Ray Dalio: “Reducing Inflation Will Come at a Great Cost”

    Legendary investor Ray Dalio has warned against believing all will be well if central banks simply increase interest rates to get inflation under control.

    Lachlan Buur-Jensen | 23rd Jun 2022 | More
    Which ASX sectors will succumb to inflation?

    According to Morningstar, an Australian recession is possible but highly unlikely. It thinks the Australian economy is “in great shape,” with low unemployment and high real GDP recorded in the March 2022 quarter.

    Ishan Dan | 20th Jun 2022 | More
  • Investing beyond the pandemic

    “Recession? Who knows? We’re not bearish, especially with our value style of investing. It’s bit of war like scenario. After the war’s over, we get inflation and that’s what we’re in.

    Ishan Dan | 16th Jun 2022 | More
    Rate hike ‘changes the journey not the destination’

    The Reserve Bank’s decision to hike interest rates by more than 50 basis points, double that predicted by the majority of economists “changes the journey, not the destination,” according to Charlie Jamieson of Jamieson Coote Bonds.

    Drew Meredith | 13th Jun 2022 | More
    Twelve Ukraine-driven disruptions that are set to change the world

    The Russia-Ukraine war has seemingly moved from the headlines in most of the developed world, with most attention now being paid to the challenge of a jump in the cost of living and the impact of higher interest rates on repayments and property prices.

    Drew Meredith | 9th Jun 2022 | More
    Markets still ‘vulnerable’ to weaker earnings

    Head of Australian Equities at T. Rowe Price, Randal Jenneke, has released a note to clients that conveys a somewhat cautious tone towards the Australian equity market.

    Ishan Dan | 9th Jun 2022 | More
    As lockdowns end, China, Asia opportunities emerge

    News that two major Chinese cities are finally emerging from their COVID-19 lockdown slumber has once again highlighted the huge opportunity set available in Asia.

    Staff Writer | 6th Jun 2022 | More
  • Fiduciary mindset, nuance key to success in real estate

    Many people at the top of funds management travel around the world to work in various locations, to build a career.

    James Dunn | 6th Jun 2022 | More
    China: Separating myth from reality

    Here, I focus on five myths about China’s economy and its financial system. In offering more realistic assessments, my hope is to help investors better judge the opportunities and risks of investing in China.

    Stephen Dover | 26th May 2022 | More
    US economy in ‘classic slowdown’ with persistent inflation

    Markets have been incredibly difficult. At the moment there are so many different things going on all at once, slowing growth, rising inflation and on top of that the emergence of black swan events, have caught many, by surprise.

    Ishan Dan | 26th May 2022 | More