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Volatility returns, market drops 2.1%, banks lead sell off The S&P/ASX200 (ASX: XJO) finished Friday and the week down 2.1%, after recovering most of the week’s losses on Thursday. The selling pressure in the US flowed into the Australian session as investors remain fixated on the emerging threat to energy supplies along with the reduction in policy stimulus. In Australia…
September has historically been a bad month for markets, and it could be about to get worse. But then again, talk is cheap. Everybody in equity markets knows that September is the cruellest month, to switch months on Eliot. Nobody really understands why it happens (theories range from tax-related selling to seasonal behavioural biases) but…
The Firetrail Absolute Return strategy has experienced a difficult few months after an extended period of outperformance. The long-short strategy, which seeks to balance its long and short positions to remove the so-called ‘market risk,’ had seen a number of stock-specific issues dragging performance lower before staging a recovery in August and September. Portfolio manager…
Global investment manager Capital Group has a long history dealing in emerging markets, having covered the sector since the early 1990s. Since then, emerging markets have come a long way but suffered a lot during Covid-19. In this article, investment director Valeria Vine and portfolio manager Victor D. John highlight trends shaping the sector’s future….
With all this talk of disruptors, it’s hard to figure out what any of them are actually worth. Less, is the prevailing wisdom. You won’t find many investors in the market today who believe that Tesla has that special something that established auto manufacturers don’t (unless it’s a maverick, spacefaring CEO). The question is, how…
Many investors have benefited from surging asset prices over the past 12 months, but the question they should ask is whether the rising tide has lifted all boats. In the second of two articles highlighting some of the finalists at the upcoming 10th Annual Zenith Investment Partners Awards, The Inside Adviser provides a little background…
T. Rowe Price ‘s head of Australian equities, Randal Jenneke, provided investors with his insights and market outlook as restrictions look to ease over the coming few weeks, reporting season drifts back into the rear-vision mirror and investors look to capture upside potential from the reopening. And as expected, the lockdowns in Melbourne and Sydney…
China’s ongoing regulatory crackdown has investors running scared. But China still wants to be a global player – and its most successful companies aren’t going anywhere. China’s recent regulatory efforts have sent a chill down the spine of even the most bullish investors, with questions swirling about where and when the aggressive crackdown – which…
“Look through the macro” were the words used by portfolio manager Adam Chandler in a recent update on Claremont Global’s high-conviction global equity strategy. In a recent update delivered after the stellar US reporting season the group stressed the importance of “organic” rather than headline growth in its approach. Having invested through the crises in…
We are “talking about talking about tapering,” said U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell earlier this year, as a strong economic recovery increased the risk of an inflation spike. Tapering refers to slowing the pace of the circa $120 billion of bonds that the Fed purchases each month, $80 billion of which are U.S. Treasury…
In the Allianz Retire+ five phases of retirement, wedged between phases three, ‘liberation’, and four, ‘reorientation’, comes ‘disenchantment’. It is often the most challenging and important for an adviser to manage. In a webinar last week (September 8), Alex Brown, Allianz Retire + senior business development manager, chaired the third in a series for advisers…
Invesco Australia recently hosted the “if rates rise, will your portfolio float” webinar, aimed at advisers and investors that are looking to position their portfolios for a rising yield environment. The webinar was led byAshley O’Connor, head of investment strategy, together with Jack Cunningham and Kevin Egan, senior portfolio managers of the senior secured loans…