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MSCI has recently examined how different equity factors have performed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and found that stocks related to oil rallied alongside others that were metal-related. In terms of the broader economic environment, the value factor is expected to outperform in this period of rising inflation. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the first quarter…
“It’s not about forecasting if it is going to rain, one should always carry an umbrella” explained Hugh Selby-Smith when discussing the ‘system challenge’ facing investment advisers as we move deeper into 2022. Speaking at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium in Sydney, Selby-Smith delivered a wide-ranging, thought-provoking presentation on the significant challenge…
To understand where the global economy stands today, we must look to the past and most importantly back to the business cycle, explained Irene Tunkel, Chief US Equity Strategist at BCA Research. Speaking at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth Assets Symposium last week, Tunkel highlighted the unique challenges facing every investor in the world….
It’s time for investors to move heavily into alternatives. That’s the message Evergreen Consultants are sending advisers. Angela Ashton, founder and director of the investment consulting firm, says it is time for investors to explore the alternatives sector more broadly, including gold, commodities, private credit, total-return multi-sector funds and real-asset funds with holdings such as…
Supply chain pressures highlight the important role and economic value created by companies working to make our infrastructure more efficient. As we review the daily headlines chronicling the tug-of-war between inflation and interest rates, we are reminded what a difficult job macroeconomic investors have and how grateful we are to be fundamental investors. For as…
The growing popularity of ESG-themed strategies by fund managers is no doubt a positive for the globe, but the “proliferation of product” is muddying the waters of sustainability and green-themed investments. This was the core message delivered by Australian Ethical’s head of domestic equities, Mike Murray, when presenting at The Inside Network’s Equities and Growth…
As an adviser, you want your clients to be educated on the importance of financial advice. Research has shown that a one-size-fits-all approach to communication isn’t the most effective tactic and while it’s near impossible to customise messages person to person, it turns out that it’s quite easy to customise them by one big factor…
Markets are poised for more damage after a remarkable bull run, and Orbis Australia believes now is the time when contrarianism will prove its worth. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” famously wrote Charles Dickens in “A…
Leading responsible and sustainable investment manager Australian Ethical (ASX:AEF) this week announced their intention to merge with industry fund Christian Super. If completed, the combined entity would manage some $9 billion and serve around 100,000 members across the country. Christian Super, and similar religious-leaning super funds were some of the earliest adopters of the ESG…
“(The biggest benefit) of late stage venture capital is the uncorrelated nature of the asset class,” said Kevin Moss, president and portfolio manager at late stage venture capital manager Liberty Street Advisors (LSA). “Everybody’s looking for the capital gains of course, but this really differentiates the asset class… And history will tell you that periods…
Asset manager Perpetual has made a bold $2.4 billion takeover bid for asset manager Pendal, which it says would create a “leader in the Australian asset management market”, and analysts are upbeat on the deal, with some saying a higher bid could emerge. Perpetual has launched a conditional, non-binding proposal to buy 100 per cent…
There has been a saying in markets for the last few years that fixed-income investments, favoured for their guaranteed returns and correlation benefits, have actually become “fixed-loss.” The driving factor was the threat (and now, realisation) that bond yields and cash rates were set to turn higher, reversing a four-decade tailwind. Naturally, these types of…