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Investment director at Capital Group, Matt Reynolds, outlines four uncertainties that are influencing equities markets at the moment.
Everybody wants certainty, but it’s the one thing in short supply in markets today.
Australia’s managed fund industry shrank in the March quarter of 2022 from the December 2021 quarter to $4.48 trillion
Leading Independent Australian fund manager Yarra Capital recently announced the addition of a new Market Neutral Australia Equities investment strategy to their portfolio of funds.
The central bank expects house price growth to ease this year and house prices are already falling in Sydney and Melbourne; economists expect that price weakness will spread to other cities, which may limit the number of official interest rate rises this year that are needed to tame inflation. According to the Reserve Bank of…
Many people at the top of funds management travel around the world to work in various locations, to build a career.
Whilst there are growing signs that inflation is moderating around the world, whether in the US, UK or Australia, some 125 of the world’s central banks are current in the process of tightening monetary policy.
Franklin Resources, the parent company of Franklin Templeton, a global asset manager with over US$1.5 trillion ($2 trillion) in assets under management, has bought private debt manager Alcentra from BNY Mellon.
Optimism and confidence in the Australian job market is growing and expanding throughout the country, with the latest data from the Regional Australia Institute showing that there were 84,600 regional job vacancies in April 2022, up 24.8% compared to a year earlier
AUSIEX, one of Australia’s leading wholesale brokerage firms, this week highlighted the growing popularity of ESG and sustainable investment trades.
“We spend the majority of our research time on understanding industries,” explained Catherine Allfrey, portfolio manager of Wavestone Capital, when presenting to leading financial advisers at The Inside Network’s Equities Symposium in Perth last month.
As with everywhere else on the globe where they’ve been introduced, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have grown like crazy in Australia.