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A huge benefit has already been realised in the price of the Magnificent Seven and it might be time to take some risk off the table instead of speculating on future fundamentals, according to Lazard.
All major cities had an increase in national property listings during the month of February, but when you pan out and look at the YoY figure, some eye-popping trends emerge.
The incredible performance of the Magnificent Seven mean investors aren’t always seeing the technological growth that’s driving industries like professional services, construction and medicine.
The “NewSpace” field has opened up in the wake of government entities pulling back their spaceflight programs across the world, which has given rise to a whole new class of Infrastructure-as-a-Service investment opportunities.
Every investor wants access to the private markets, and every manager – established or otherwise – wants to help them get it. But when there’s a new product every day, how many of them will be any good?
You don’t need to be a tech stock advocate to understand the importance of looking beyond the headlines and the hype, creating your own narrative based on facts, and assessing each opportunity with a clear lens.
Contrarian investors are adept at spotting misalignment that leads to arbitrage between real value and perceived value. But it isn’t easy. “True bargains are hard to come by,” says Orbis Investments’ Eric Marais.
Asian market equities stand out as a beacon for growth-oriented investors, propelled by the region’s rapid technological advancements, robust economic development and increasing integration into the global economy.
Inflation has likely peaked and the small cap market has bottomed out. The bad news is that relative returns have already started improving. The good news is that we’re still a few standard deviations from the mean, and there’s still plenty of upside.
Melbourne-based specialist investment firm Horizon 3 is backing its knowledge in what is a very broad sector, but one that offers investors the chance to achieve a high level of return with low correlation.
Money managers are rising to meet the capital demands of companies wanting to stay private for longer. These days, though, they’re doing it with a strategic mindset that properly encapsulates a spectrum of investment maturity periods.
Of all the sectors poised to take over this century, venture capitalists are most enamored with green technology and the infrastructure that supports artificial intelligence.