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The stellar run in the Nasdaq 100 index, which has seen it reach new all-time highs some 40 times already in 2020, shows no signs of slowing. With such strength and a willingness of investors to look beyond short-term losses, a single-file, socially distanced line of “unicorns” is awaiting their piece of the action. The…
“If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” as Bugs Bunny would say. This is exactly what NAB and CBA have done to take on the Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) phenomenon. NAB was the first to launch its new StraightUp credit card, which is aimed at millennials by offering interest-free purchases on credit anywhere that accepts Visa. Credit…
The SMSF Association have launched a comprehensive series of online modules as they seek to evolve the delivery of the SMSF Specialist Advisery (SSA) designation. The highly coveted designation requires an extensive amount of knowledge across taxation and superannuation law, which has traditionally been delivered through short study guides culminating in a detailed examination. The…
Financial advisers around the world are rightly concerned about the state of markets, with record-high prices for both equities and bonds. As previously reported, according to an Investment Trends survey of Australian investors, there has been a jump in the frequency of communications between advisers and their clients in Australia since COVID-19 hit home in…
Metrics takes out top award among alternative managers
Pandemic tailwind to flow into 2021 for Woolies Woolworths Ltd (ASX:WOW) delivered a weaker than expected result, despite a 6% increase in revenue to $63.6 billion for the financial year. Net profit fell to $1.166 billion with the biggest hit coming from the mothballed Hotels division. Sales revenue improved across the board with Australian and…
S y s t e m a t i c i n v e s t m e n t g r o u p P a r a m e t r i c , o f f e r a c a s e s t u d y i n t o t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t i s s u e m i s s e d b y i n s t i t u t i o n a l i n v e s t o r s w h e n t h e y s e e k t o c h a n g e i n v e s t m e n t s t r a t e g y ; t a x .
The focus of health and safety regulators has been on helping employers implement measures to minimise the risk of employees either contracting COVID-19 at work or bringing it to work.
Retailers at all-time highs, market to open strongly as tech rally continues The ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) fell another 0.8% today, as weaker than expected earnings result and more pessimistic view from the US Federal Reserve impacted sentiment. Most weakness came from the healthcare and financial sectors, representing a substantial portion of the market, however, the…
Another investment platform is due to arrive in NZ within weeks under the ‘Flint Wealth’ brand. It is an equal partnership between Brisbane-based Research IP, run by well-known Australian advisery market identity Darren Howlin, and NZ’s Harbour Asset Management and Trustee Executors.
We’re in the second week of reporting season and it’s been a mixed bag of results.
GAM Investments As has become the norm in these unique circumstances, GAM Investments, the Swiss-based 170bn asset manager will be running it’s Asia Conference virtually this year. GAM have always stood out as industry leading managers with a particular specialty in alternative and absolute return strategies, including their Systematic and Alternative Risk Premia options. The…