An enduring structural feature of Barwon’s PE fund is that it doesn’t invest in the companies that require capital, it invests in the companies that provide it. For advisers, that means exposure to the fabled PE illiquidity premium, but with access to daily redemptions. Â
Trust may be hard to win, but it’s even harder to win back once it’s broken. For private equity managers, keeping a sharp eye out for honesty and transparency is a key part of the company discovery process.
Contrary to popular misconception, senior secured loans actually sit at the safest part of the capital structure and remain backed by company assets. That they’re unsafe is one of several fallacies that needs to be busted, says Invesco’s Ashley O’Connor.
It’s a dire situation for consumers but a massive tailwind for financial advisers. More people and more capital in the superannuation coffers than ever, with a stubbornly small number of advisers to service them.Â
There are untold benefits in shifting to a self-licensed advice model, but the move also comes with a host of dangers. Practice owners need to ask themselves some serious questions before taking the plunge.
The cost of living increased across all indexes in the March 2024 quarter. But while employee households carried the brunt of higher prices, self-funded retirees emerged relatively unscathed according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
It’s the biggest wealth management event on the planet, where advisers, executives and their associates come to learn, network and have a little fun under the California sun. As the inaugural Australian partner, The Inside Network will be front and centre.
Getting to net-zero by 2025 will require an enormous shift of capital. This can only happen if groups with leverage apply pressure to financial services entities that are at the coal-face of change.
Of all the reasons fund managers get outperformed by the benchmark, Paul Moore explained, the clearest is that they get distracted by macro issues that aren’t particularly relevant to their investments.
For many, planning to help kids and grandkids out with a first home deposit is something that needs to be done strategically, with timelines, capital growth and tax implications front of mind. Here, investment bonds could be the key.