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Last week, investment research firm Morningstar Australasia announced the finalists of the 2021 Morningstar Australia awards. Some of the big names include First Sentier Investors, Franklin Templeton and Hyperion Asset Management – all in the running to win the prized fund manager of the year award. Each of these funds has delivered exceptional returns to…
Every fund manager talks about finding the next Amazon, Facebook, or Google, but very few are able to do it consistently. In fact, a broad majority of global equity strategies seem to live by the saying “if you can’t beat them, join them,” with the big tech names dominating value, growth, and every strategy in…
New retail investors entered the sharemarket in droves over the first six months of the pandemic’s impact. Contrary to widely held views, for the most part, on average, they did very well. Very well indeed. But one has to be careful of averages. They can often mask skews from big single numbers and rarely do…
Chris Cuffe first let the industry know, in 2015, what his 10 biggest lessons from years at the top in funds management were. He revisited and updated the list in September 2019 and has now done so once again. But the original list is probably timeless. He also added a few extra tips last week,…
Four years ago, old high-school buddies Nicholas Quinn and Jesse Moors were taking in the sunshine at a café on Melbourne’s Southbank, when they decided to take their mutual interest in stock market investment to the next level. Quinn, a former PwC global tax specialist, and Moors, formerly a business development manager at CPA Australia,…
The concept of ESG has been a key driver of fund flows, but most importantly marketing strategies, in recent years. Nearly every fund manager worth their salt has a well-written ESG strategy, outlining its views on the most important issues facing investors, management, and boards. Not to mention the expanding set of “sustainable” and ESG-focused…
The Rajiv Jain-led global equity manager, GQG Partners, was this year named ‘Undiscovered Manager of the Year’ by independent research house Morningstar.
Given the global outlook is clearly one of a high degree of risk, it is surprising that all forms of risk assets seem to continually defy all the negative outlooks. Traditional asset allocations have been heavily tied to equity market growth and the continual decline in risk free interest rates over the past 30 years….