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Private lending is going mainstream as soaring inflation forces mid-market businesses to consider more flexible funding options than the traditional incumbent sources.
What worries Harry Sugiarto most about the current investment environment is the possibility that he doesn’t get a chance to fully exploit the opportunity it presents.
With private equity becoming more accessible, retail investors can now take advantage of the asymmetry-of-information and diversification benefits PE offers, while its safe-haven characteristics stand out in the uncertain macro environment, according to David Chan and Cameron Brownjohn.
Senior secured loans act as an important inflationary hedge in times of rising inflation according to the firm’s chief investment officer.
Structured the right way, private debt can provide options that both cater to the defensive sleeve of a portfolio and serve as a proxy for equity market investments.
One part of the market that is benefitting from inflation and interest rate increases is private debt; senior secured loans, in particular, have returned 4.8 per cent over the past two years.
Alceon is mindful of challenging conditions and rising costs for purveyors of private debt, but has a confident outlook with positive signs starting to show.
Pete Robinson presents the case for Australian private debt using a supermarket chain case study.
It’s easy to get a negative view on property if you only look at the headlines and ignore the data.
Following a decade-long run of low-interest rates and rising asset prices, many companies took the opportunity to load up on cheap deb