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Lack of liquidity and transparency have long been sticking points in retail uptake of private equity, but the industry is changing its ways even as an education challenge remains.
For many Australians, REITS have been a cornerstone for those looking to dip their toes into the property market without the traditional barriers of direct ownership. So, who were some top performing managers as at January 2024?
An elevated market is a good thing, but investors that take a valuation mindset into asset allocation need to be wary of what that means for prices. “Chasing momentum” is a real danger, says Australian Ethical’s Mark Williams.
While the small companies sector of the share market is poised to benefit from the predicted retreat of inflation, the tailwinds really kick in when you throw active management into the mix according the Invesco team.
There are far simpler avenues to overseas diversification for your SMSF than property, but if you are going to take this complex, and somewhat risky route, you better do your homework.
It’s not always about finding companies that have the biggest market share or the ones that dominate the headlines. For true value investors, the key is to select companies whose forward value is fundamentally underappreciated.
It may be a lumpy asset with unpredictable returns and high relative costs, but Australian property is our nation’s beating investment heart. So who was the best fund manager for these mercurial assets last year?
Australia may not have the Magnificent Seven tech stocks, but a heavy top end on the ASX means concentration risk is just as present, Atchison’s says. According to Australian Ethical, that puts the domestic small companies sector right in frame for investors.
Investors will need to adjust their expectations (and portfolios) to account for higher for longer interest rates, slower economic growth, stickier inflation and a testing geopolitical environment. Keeping key pillars of quality in mind when assessing companies remains critical.
Rising interest rates and elevated stock multiples have brought down the equity risk premium and created a highly advantageous environment for value investors, according to Pzena Investment Management.
The current market isn’t just a poor marking stick for active investment expertise, but a dangerous one, with concentration risk at alarmingly high levels. Are fund managers right to be wrong?
With over 2 million Australians invested in ETFs and every second SMSF holding them, it’s little wonder managers are keen to launch active ETF versions of their most successful funds.