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While private credit is experiencing growing pains in some major markets, its rise continues apace back home with Regal Partners making another significant acquisition in the sector.
It’s an unlikely source of good news: property vacancy rates are up and rental asking rates have softened slightly. But SQM’s Louis Christopher warns against interpreting the change as a sign that the rental crisis has turned.
Negative correlation can be an effective way to diversify and protect the underside of multi-asset portfolios, but if the chosen managers stray from their professed style that advantage can be eroded in short order.
Nobody really cares about outperforming benchmarks – they want to make real money and avoid real losses. Atlantic House thinks it’s got the perfect way to do just that.
Meeting the myriad metrics for investment set down by Claremont Global is just the start of a selection process that sees no more than 15 companies held at any one time. It turns out that owning the world’s best businesses takes patience and a whole lot of precision.
The technology subsector in venture capitalism is thriving, especially in New Zealand, where the government is putting its money where its talent is. An increasingly vital part of this growth is WNT Ventures’ Maria Jose Alvarez, who has already been marked as a ‘women of influence’ in her adopted home.
The $10 billion ethical investors expects “quite an evolution” in climate resilience and mitigation investing, as well as growing interest in sectors like water, where it is “actively exploring” opportunities.
All verticals in commercial real estate have become problematic in the last five years, but there remain pockets of opportunity. Figuring out which of those pockets present the best path forward is the real challenge.
An enduring structural feature of Barwon’s PE fund is that it doesn’t invest in the companies that require capital, it invests in the companies that provide it. For advisers, that means exposure to the fabled PE illiquidity premium, but with access to daily redemptions.
Trust may be hard to win, but it’s even harder to win back once it’s broken. For private equity managers, keeping a sharp eye out for honesty and transparency is a key part of the company discovery process.
Like the Reserve Bank, ASIC is keenly aware that the rise of private markets, and especially private equity, creates both “upside and downside risks” to an efficient and fair economy. But it’s ASIC that sits in the first line of defence, and its new cohort of commissioners are determined to keep this burgeoning market clean.
Alternative fund manager Alceon and advice group Findex reflect on the genesis of Alceon’s Australian Property Fund, and why a finite number of key partnerships is better than mass market capital.