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Last week’s conveniently ‘leaked’ government proposal on its plans to revolutionise retirement income for all Australians has brought retirement back into the headlines. The detail aside, the proposal couldn’t have come soon enough.
The data is a reminder that while this enormous shift of wealth is imminent, it won’t happen before its time. According to AMP, more education about the options available might instigate the process.
The cost of living increased across all indexes in the March 2024 quarter. But while employee households carried the brunt of higher prices, self-funded retirees emerged relatively unscathed according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Markets may have outperformed in 2023 after a dour 2022, but it wasn’t enough to lift confidence in retirement as cost of living pressures continued to cloud the financial future of many Australians.
Diligence and frugality can lead to wonderful retirement outcomes, writes Alteris Financial Group senior adviser Jaxon King. But if the journey to retirement is bleak, it could sap the joy out of reaching the destination.
Higher mandatory contributions and increased pension assets helped Australia improve on its 2022 score in Mercer annual index, and move up a spot in the 47-country ranking. Yet the research cited room for improvement.
Australians are retiring much later and with more in their retirement coffers than ever before, according to the ABS, with a confluence of factors behind the trend.
While the need for retirement income solutions is great enough to be mandated in some corners, the local annuity market remains a tough nut to crack. So Generation Life has reached out to advisers and a host of others for input into its product offerings.
The Financial Services Council commissioned the Retirement Income Policy Roadmap to help the superannuation system put greater emphasis on the drawdown phase. Industry leaders say the biggest hurdle is a deeply entrenched fear of running out of money.
Working Australians aren’t getting real when it comes to plausible retirement ages and income levels, according to data from Vanguard, with a new report suggesting expectations get closer to reality as retirement draws near.
Sentiment around retirement prospects is declining across the board in Australia, with millionaires almost as likely as less affluent investors to believe it would take a miracle to retire securely. Recent reports highlight the correlation between the new economic uncertainty and reduced confidence in a comfortable retirement.
Australians should be putting more money into superannuation and diversifying out of property, some say, even as super performance remains a question mark.