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Growth managers continue to shine

It’s been a while since “value investing” made sense: the style has suffered a dreadful stretch of performance since the 2008 financial crisis. The ‘Warren Buffett’ mantra of buying low (cheap) and selling high has seen value-oriented managers underperform the market year after year. But that’s not to say value investing is dead, it’s just…

Ishan Dan | 19th Oct 2020 | More
Governments hurt pensions adequacy

Australia has slipped from third place in the world rankings for adequacy, sustainability and integrity of our super system to fourth place, being leap-frogged by new entrant Israel. The impact of COVID-19 has cost almost all systems, particularly those which allowed access to savings or relaxed contributions rules. The Mercer CFA Institute 12th annual global…

Greg Bright | 19th Oct 2020 | More
  • To syndicate or not to syndicate?

    If you are looking for one word to describe 2020, ‘volatility’ would seem to fit the bill. Every aspect of our lives, whether it be financially, socially, or work, has been like a roller-coaster ride. Into lockdown, out of lockdown. Often isolated from family or close friends. And then coping with investment markets that have…

    Contributor | 18th Oct 2020 | More
    Hamish Douglass pours oil on troubled waters

    Hamish Douglass, the CIO of Magellan Financial Group, who oversees the largest Australian-owned global funds manager and is the current darling of both the wholesale and retail investor sectors, is relatively sanguine about the possible market impact of the US election, but a bit more worried about COVID-19. Douglass, also Magellan’s co-founder, with Chris Mackay,…

    Greg Bright | 15th Oct 2020 | More
  • SDGs 10 years on – approach with caution

    2020 marks the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations’ special development goals, or SDGs. The UN created 17 SDGs to address the global challenges society and corporates face, such as those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The SDGs were designed as a blueprint to achieve a…

    Contributor | 12th Oct 2020 | More
    Integrity Life raises $43 million

    Integrity Life secured $43 million in their recent series B round of funding. There was a strong interest in the raise, that took place before and during COVID-19. Given the instability of the global economy, this significant investment is being viewed by the market as further endorsement of the importance of Integrity’s digital-led positioning. The…

    Contributor | 1st Oct 2020 | More
    What is the Role of Insurance-Linked Securities in the Transfer of Risk to the Capital Markets?

    What is the Difference Between Traditional Fixed Interest and Insurance-Linked Securities Bonds? with Chin Liu – Amundi Pioneer

    The Inside Adviser | 30th Sep 2020 | More
    Governance: Raising the bar

    Governance is the pillar of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles that investors have been actively considering for the longest period of time. This is not surprising, as in some ways, it could be said that governance is probably the most important aspect of ESG. An organisation’s board’s role is to appoint the CEO and…

    Contributor | 27th Sep 2020 | More
    HESTA continues its evolution

    The $52 billion health sector focused industry fund HESTA announced the appointment of Alan Sheen as head of portfolio management this week. Sheen comes direct from the private sector, leaving the absolute-return firm he founded, Dalton Street Capital, to add further depth and support HESTA’s ambitious growth plans. Sheen will report directly to CIO Sonya…

    Staff Writer | 14th Sep 2020 | More
  • Super tax changes will cost retirees

    The possibility for government to increase superannuation taxes in response to the ballooningbudget deficit caused by COVID-19 could severely hurt member balances at retirement, according to a research note by the global implementation specialist manager Parametric. Raewyn Williams, head of research (Australia) and analyst Josh McKenzie, in a short paper titled“Will retirees pay the price…

    Staff Writer | 10th Sep 2020 | More
    Govt grant to help develop breast cancer tests

    Research on a blood test for the detection and monitoring of breast cancer has taken a step forward with the Federal Government announcing a $372,654 grant.

    Staff Writer | 7th Sep 2020 | More
    Private space to public face

    Though no longer a new theme, non-bank lending requires a refresher. Everyone is by now aware of the limitations of bank finance and therefore the provision of alternative capital. The reality of this shift in credit to the private sector is that investors will wear the losses that banks used to do, but with a…

    Giselle Roux | 3rd Sep 2020 | More