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Tahn Sharpe

Tahn is managing editor across The Inside Network's three publications.

Tahn Sharpe results

Continued volatility opens door to skilful investment: Franklin Templeton

Tightening of central policy on a global scale is creating valuation arbitrage across the board, and creating investment opportunities for skilful managers.

Tahn Sharpe | 24th Oct 2022 | More
Experience pathway to perpetuate poor advice industry image: FPA

Implementing the current proposal for ‘experienced’ advisers to skip the relevant degree mandate will do far more harm than good, the association argues, with both current and future advisers turned off by the plan.

Tahn Sharpe | 13th Oct 2022 | More
Michael Birch’s big rent-roll of the dice

The respected corporate adviser and manager is laying it all on the line after “rolling the sleeves up” on multi-faceted research for his new property-based fund.

Tahn Sharpe | 13th Oct 2022 | More
SMSFs under advice surge as adviser numbers dip below 16,000

As the quantum of advisers has decreased those that remain have consolidated client books, which has led to a higher proportion of high-balance SMSFs coming under advice.

Tahn Sharpe | 10th Oct 2022 | More
Australians expect $200K retirement savings gap as FORO concerns grow

Higher rates and the cost of living, on top of global events, have contributed to increased Fear Of Running Out across the country. Yet the level of concern may be relatively unfounded, AMP reports.

Tahn Sharpe | 5th Oct 2022 | More
  • ASIC laments licensee ‘lag and drag’ after $5.6 billion customer remediation bill

    The corporate regulator has delivered a stern warning to licensees with the release of its guide on consumer remediation. After overseeing billions in repayments to Australians, ASIC chair Karen Chester says the industry “must do better”

    Tahn Sharpe | 29th Sep 2022 | More
    Australia surges up retirement security ranks

    By holding ground in areas such as quality of life, material well-being, finances and health while other countries fell back, Australia moved up two spots to 5th on the latest Natixis Global Retirement Index.

    Tahn Sharpe | 29th Sep 2022 | More
    Big banks at global ‘inflection point’ as challengers play to their strengths

    A global study has shown that the problems faced by the Big4 are universal; incumbent banks may have the data, products, infrastructure and capital, but it doesn’t guarantee customer primacy.

    Tahn Sharpe | 26th Sep 2022 | More
    Market neutral strategies swerve volatility, diffuse market risk

    Recent market turbulence has brought market neutral long short strategies into primacy, with funds able to look at companies with a clear lens and avoid taking large binary positions.

    Tahn Sharpe | 20th Sep 2022 | More
    ‘Complex’ regulatory changes driving technical adviser queries

    New income thresholds for seniors health cards, downsizer rules, the transfer balance cap, changing work test requirements and the Home Equity Access Scheme are the five most common technical problem areas for advisers in 2022.

    Tahn Sharpe | 20th Sep 2022 | More
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