This week, The Inside Network held its inaugural Credit Masterclass event, a deep dive into the intricacies and characteristics of the fast-growing domestic and global credit market. During the day-long session, leading advisers and asset consultants covered every aspect of the credit and less traditional fixed-income sector in detail, ranging from its role and diversification…
After a quick scare in February, which delivered the worst month on record for Australian bond markets and a rare loss for the ‘low-risk’ asset class, markets have quickly normalised. Bond yields continue to retreat despite growing evidence that the global economic recovery is stepping up another gear. Despite this feeling of normality, and perhaps…
The Inside Network’s inaugural ESG Masterclass welcomed leading financial advisers and subject matter experts across the responsible and ESG investment spectrum to discuss the biggest issues facing investors. With delegates encouraged to have input throughout the discussion, the unique format offered an opportunity to gain a ‘temperature check’ on the issues that are most important…
The United States’ re-signing of the Paris Climate Agreement under President Biden, combined with a strengthening commitment on carbon emission targets from China, “sets the stage for a globally coordinated move away from fossil fuels.” That’s the expectation according to Ganesh Suntharam, chief investment officer of Redpoint Investment Management. Putting the ESG trend to the…
Alceon Group, led by respected industry veteran Trevor Loewensohn, announced this week that it is formally combining its business with Freehold Investment Management. The consolidation comes after Alceon acquired a 40 per cent stake in Freehold around 18 months ago. Established in 2010, Alceon Group has invested over $4 billion in capital for its diverse…
The 12th edition of the Managed Accounts Report, a joint effort between State Street Global Advisers and Investment Trends, was released this week, with the results offering powerful insights into a fast-evolving financial planning industry. The diverse, but high-growth, sector spans everything from separately managed accounts, to individually managed and managed discretionary accounts, which according to the Institute…
As the industry fund sector embarks on what will be a busy and decade shaping year, Rainmaker’s recent release of its latest batch of AAA-rated super funds couldn’t be more timely. The research house seeks to assess the quality of 692 products issued by 178 superannuation funds, including both industry or so-called “not for profits”…
Europe’s largest asset manager, with EUR$1.4 trillion ($2.2 trillion) in investor funds, Amundi Asset Management, recently weighed into the cryptocurrency phenomenon, releasing a ‘Blue Paper’ on the topic. It offers a unique insight from a traditional fund manager on what is a clearly non-traditional asset class. From the outset the authors, deputy CIO Vincent Mortier…
Recently crowned with the Fixed Interest Manager of the Year award by Morningstar, its third such win in four years, Western Asset Management is on the front food when it comes to global government bond markets. The conditions, despite heightened volatility, offer a rare opportunity for active management. According to Anthony Francis, investment dealer at…
The US$500 billion ($649 billion) investment conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) is the latest group to come under pressure for its climate change and diversity disclosures. Its response and the growing pressure offers a unique insight into the increasingly complex web that is ESG investing, and how these issues are best applied by both companies…