When the going gets tough. As a financial adviser responsible for allocating your clients’ capital, COVID-19 presented sudden and unexpected challenges for most asset classes. Risk assets took an alarming hit but rebounded strongly, while defensive assets were mixed, with bonds performing weakly and cash not worth mentioning. Wherever your clients were invested at the…
Interest rates and hence yields from most classes of investment, have experienced significant compression. This is true of cash, fixed interest and equities. Elevated listed equity market valuations have further compounded the problem as investors also seek downside protection or at least volatility buffers. Private debt has the benefit of both, yield, and downside protection….
Investors face a very uncertain environment today, with the COVID-19 pandemic still playing out, geopolitical tensions and a global economy characterised by low growth and high debt. It’s a good time for investors to remind themselves that diversification is an investment principle that never goes out of style, and that the among the most effective…
Alceon Group’s Debt Income Fund, which targets high, risk-adjusted returns from real estate lending, has been awarded a ‘Superior’ high investment grade rating in a new report by SQM Research, an independent investment research house. SQM says the commercial banks have reduced their exposure to real estate development and commercial real estate in recent years, providing…
Specialist property-based fund manager, Trilogy Funds, added another two properties to its industrial portfolio in June and July, with a third scheduled to settle in August, highlighting the soaring demand and underlying strength of industrial property across Australia. As part of the growing Trilogy Industrial Property Trust the fund manager finalised the purchase of a…
When the going gets tough. As a financial adviser responsible for allocating your clients’ capital, COVID-19 presented sudden and unexpected challenges for most asset classes. Risk assets took an alarming hit but rebounded strongly, while defensive assets were mixed, with bonds performing weakly and cash not worth mentioning. Wherever your clients were invested at the…
Devastating floods, unseasonal hurricanes, excessive droughts, megafires, and more demonstrate how extreme water risk is global now. From an investor’s perspective, the economic implications of risks related to water are significant and should be a consideration when investing. By 2030, the global population will likely exceed nine billion and the world will require 40% more…
Evergreen Ratings recently awarded the Alceon High Conviction Absolute Return Fund a “Commended” rating for its “tried and tested processes, with risk considerations at its core.” They suggest that fund manager Alceon Liquid Strategies (ALS) has a strong track record of consistently delivering above-average equity returns with low volatility. It demonstrated this capacity with positive…
Over the past month, Australians have been reminded that the COVID-19 pandemic is still keeping the country in check. Like many other countries around the globe, the lockdowns have wrought havoc on local business and more broadly, the global economy. Given the urgency and immediacy of the recent outbreaks and lockdowns, it’s perhaps not surprising…
Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc in some parts of Asia, resulting in humanitarian losses that will potentially have a deep and lasting impact on societal values and governance structures. The pandemic has highlighted wide gaps in public health and social security infrastructure that became matters of life and death in some countries. We believe the…