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Last week’s conveniently ‘leaked’ government proposal on its plans to revolutionise retirement income for all Australians has brought retirement back into the headlines. The detail aside, the proposal couldn’t have come soon enough.
The inertia that rules the retirement system means bigger ideas are needed if members are going to get the best outcome in retirement. And with millions set to retire in the next few years, time is of the essence.
The data is a reminder that while this enormous shift of wealth is imminent, it won’t happen before its time. According to AMP, more education about the options available might instigate the process.
The financial needs of a staggering 64 per cent of retirees sit beyond the comprehension of super funds, a new report states, because there is too much complexity involved when retirement income isn’t enough to satisfy lifestyle ambitions.
Retirement’s approach requires a profound change in how investors approach markets and construct portfolios, including arranging their income needs around three distinct periods of retired life, the financial advice firm’s founders said.
Australians are retiring much later and with more in their retirement coffers than ever before, according to the ABS, with a confluence of factors behind the trend.
A joint review conducted by ASIC and APRA was scathing of funds’ collective attempts to meet their new legal obligation to help fund members plan for retirement, and urged them to “address, with urgency, the gaps in their approach”.
Up until recently, alternative investments were only really open to institutional investors, but with these now available at a wholesale and retail level the retirement strategy game has changed.
Working Australians aren’t getting real when it comes to plausible retirement ages and income levels, according to data from Vanguard, with a new report suggesting expectations get closer to reality as retirement draws near.
With commissions gone, financial advisers can no longer rely on swollen prices when they sell their practice according to Helen Nan. Exiting to retirement now means planning like an adviser would.