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Allianz Retire+ flags defensive alternatives as solution to cash conundrum

The cash conundrum facing retirees is well-known and broadly appreciated, yet little is being done to address it. With global governments forced to flood the economy with cheap cash to avoid a depression, the result has been the transfer of wealth from savers, who receive a pittance on their low-risk investors, and borrowers, who are…

Staff Writer | 24th May 2021 | More
Rest Super partners with Eaton Vance managers for ESG integration

Retail Employee Superannuation Trust (Rest), one of Australia’s largest super funds, with over $60 billion in assets and more than two million members, has appointed Parametric and Calvert Research and Management (Calvert), to manage the equities allocation across the newly launched Rest Sustainable Growth Option. The Rest Sustainable Growth Option is a diversified portfolio with enhanced…

Staff Writer | 3rd May 2021 | More
  • Future fund prepares for worst

    One of the most eagerly awaited updates in the investment market is that of the $171 billion Future Fund, Australia’s sovereign wealth fund – and the December 2020 update was even more closely watched than normal. Because of its initial purpose – to invest in order to fund large unfunded Commonwealth public-sector superannuation liabilities which…

    James Dunn | 1st Feb 2021 | More
    Six-member SMSFs one step closer

    It’s been a long time coming, yet it may finally be here. The arbitrary cap on the allowable number of SMSF members, limiting funds to just four people, appears set to be lifted. The legislation has been delayed due to the pandemic but the proposal to increase the maximum number of members from four to…

    Drew Meredith | 12th Nov 2020 | More
  • AMP on Listed Infrastructure

    Notwithstanding the political and superannuation industry talk of an infrastructure-led economic recovery in Australia, and elsewhere, the listed infrastructure sector has been looking decidedly unloved of late. And much of the sector’s underperformance against the broader market this year has not been justified in terms of company earnings. Guiseppe Corona, the London-based head of global…

    Greg Bright | 24th Sep 2020 | More
    Industry battles over early super release

    The superannuation industry is deeply divided over whether the government’s decision to change the super early release rules is really in the interest of the super fund members.
    The measure allows Australians to apply via myGov for access of up to $10,000 of their superannuation from April this year and an additional $10,000 from July 1 2020 for another three months.

    Contributor | 25th Mar 2020 | More