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A landmark report has uncovered a frightening lack of understanding about a financial enduring power of attorney, with financial advisers surprisingly under-represented.
For those who have recommended the Royal London’s Core Fund, especially, the incongruous management switch means they have to explain to clients why it will probably take on a completely different investment style.
With two kids under five and a passion for personal finance, Melbourne adviser Rebecca Pritchard is well placed to help other young women and their families shape the life they truly desire.
The Inside Network’s Jamie Nemtsas sits down with award-winning financial adviser Hugh Robertson to discuss how to build ‘centres of influence’ that can help take an advice business to the next level.
Ian was a mentor to many financial advisers, and I was one of them. He offered guidance, wisdom and an unwavering commitment to ethical practice. Long after he is gone, Ian’s influence will be felt.
The government now has two internal reports recommending an overhaul of the industry funding model. Yet they appear destined to sit on the shelf “gathering dust”, with the financial services minister of the opinion that recruiting more advisers will fix the problem.
The freeze order isn’t UGC’s first engagement with the regulator. It was among the first to be pinged for not meeting the Design and Distribution Obligations back in 2022.
Just how thin the line that Berry walks becomes clear when he outlines the two paradoxical objectives of the CSLR. He has to highlight the worst in financial advice, while making it seem better and more trustworthy in the eyes of the public.
AMP has cut redundancy pay maximums and notice periods in a move that has left long-term employees dismayed after they stuck with the company through the royal commission and its aftermath.
“Some kids read cartoons,” the equities manager recalls, “and some read the sports section, but I used to read the stock market tables and try to figure out what was going up and what was going down.”
Brokerage platforms are understandably wary of nudging clients away from their products, but if they want to be full service providers they need to entertain the idea of linking investors to advisers, according to a new US report.
After witnessing the horror of the GFC, a young Leesa Swain decided to help mitigate the ‘ripple effect’ of bad financial management and start a journey in financial planning that has led her to a new, digitally led solution provider.