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When real returns are unreal: The public-private performance gap illusion

Comparing public and private market performance can be misleading, according to a new study from PGIM, and CIOs need to look deeper into the data.

David Chaplin | 18th May 2023 | More
Private equity vs public equity: Can you have the best of both worlds?

Private equity may provide outsized returns, but it comes with a liquidity catch. Traditional listed equity investing doesn’t, but it has its own drawbacks. Combine the two, says HMC’s Victoria Hardie, and you have a better balance.

HMC Capital | 15th May 2023 | More
  • PE’s structural advantages put equity markets in the shade: Neuberger Berman

    The structural advantages of private equity span every phase of the investment process, Ng told a room full of advisers and associates. During the buy, the hold and the sell, he said, PE outpoints traditional public market offerings.

    Tahn Sharpe | 15th May 2023 | More
    Di Pilla’s HMC Capital tops $7.5 billion FUM with large hospital group acquisition

    The listed property group formed by former star UBS banker David Di Pilla has gone from a standing start in 2015 to a retail and commercial investment force, with its latest acquisition pushing funds under management to $7.5 billion.

    Tahn Sharpe | 20th Apr 2023 | More
  • Private equity opportunities may offer recession buffer, with some risk

    Despite its lack of liquidity, PE’s popularity in the institutional and wholesale market is set to filter into the retail market with more fund managers offering a conduit to access the burgeoning sector.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 23rd Jan 2023 | More
    Higher rates biting into household wealth, with more pain to come

    Household wealth in September recorded its third largest quarterly decline since the Australian Bureau of Statistics began keeping records in 1989. And wealth is likely to keep falling in the coming quarters, as the lagged effects of interest rate hikes flow through.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 12th Jan 2023 | More
    Smart money is pouring into private markets and away from risk assets

    New data from bfinance and Invesco sees Australian investors and sovereign funds reducing exposure to growth assets in favour of private markets

    Ishan Dan | 5th Dec 2022 | More
    Sovereign wealth funds tap external managers for private markets payday

    Sovereign wealth funds have hit pause on their internalisation programs as they discover that they aren’t naturals at private markets investing. And inflation and geopolitics are driving allocations to a broad range of alternative assets.

    Lachlan Maddock | 5th Dec 2022 | More
    Private equity and the liquidity boon for advisers

    The four pillars of private equity investment all bring unique characteristics to the table.

    Ishan Dan | 22nd Aug 2022 | More