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The reopening of borders to international travellers in February was naturally cheered as a return to some level of “normality.” Tourism and hospitality operators who were able to hold on now stand to benefit from both a surge in customers by also the potential to attract new staff. Australia has been more reliant than most…
Returns for the classic 60/40 portfolio are expected to be “uninspiring” for the 2020s, according to Schroders, and investors are rushing towards private markets to recapture some approximation of the returns they’ve enjoyed over the last decade. According to data from Schroders, private equity has on average produced a 2.4 per cent net return above…
Speak with any financial adviser today, and it’s likely that their biggest investment concern isn’t related to the equity component of their portfolio. After two years of strong markets, most are sitting on strong returns despite the recent uptick in volatility. With the near-consensus view that interest rates are set to move higher sooner rather…
The smart money appears to be snapping-up Chinese onshore stocks despite the recent debt-ridden Evergrande crisis and its potential to affect markets. Investor interest in China strengthened during the fourth quarter of last year, with the main inflows coming from institutional investors rather than retail. It hasn’t been easy for Australian investors looking to buy…
Traditional fixed income allocations, whether in the form of corporate or government bonds have been on the nose in 2022 and most of 2021 for that matter. The threat of inflation and associated rate hikes led many to rename the sector as ‘fixed loss’ rather than fixed income. Andrew Canobi, co-Portfolio Manager of the flexible…
Morningstar has released an interesting report that looks at a market metric that is often overlooked – fund outflows. Why do fund flows matter? They matter because they reflect all the cash that is flowing in and out of the fund. Naturally, when a fund has greater outflows, redemptions are outweighing new investment, usually because…
The global shift towards decarbonisation is happening and accelerating at a rapid rate, to ensure the removal and reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and to keep temperature rises to below 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels. This shift to reduce the environmental impact together with the pandemic saw an acceleration in “green” stimulus…
Thematic investing has been among the most powerful and popular trends in the last several decades. The idea of identifying the next Apple or Amazon is one of the main reasons many people get into investing, and likely the biggest creator of wealth in recent history. The last few months have reiterated that investing solely…
All-weather investing has a simple aim – consistent positive returns, regardless of how the financial markets perform. It follows that all-weather investors typically have highly flexible investment strategies, that allow them not only to diversify across asset classes, but back their judgment in a wide range of areas to manage for – and benefit from…
At the COP 26 UN Climate Change meeting in Glasgow last November 2021, parties came together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. At Glasgow, global funds manager Janus Henderson put together a panel of experts to take a closer look at decarbonisation in…
He is far from a household name in the Australian funds management industry – and definitely not one of the star stock-pickers often profiled in the financial media – but few would have begrudged Mugunthan (Mugsy) Siva a quiet fist-pump after the calendar-year returns for 2021 came out, with his India Avenue Equity Fund returning…
January fund manager returns are beginning to creep in, and it doesn’t look pretty. The Nasdaq finished as much as 9 per cent lower, with the S&P500 and Dow Jones down more than 5 and 3 per cent respectively. The dispersion of fund manager returns continues to grow, with the worst down as much as…