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The new fund, a tie-up between Murray Darling Capital and Trilogy Funds, is buying up rent rolls across the country and has its sights set on a 10 per cent annual return.
Wind and solar are gauged as the cheapest sources of electricity generation and storage in Australia, with technology costs trending in the right direction for investors.
Debt assets may be de jour, but the income they produce is fraught with peril if it doesn’t include the kind of diversity senior secured loans provide.
Recent market turbulence has brought market neutral long short strategies into primacy, with funds able to look at companies with a clear lens and avoid taking large binary positions.
Infrastructure assets have been gaining investor interest due to their inflation hedging properties in recent times.
Higher rates are leading to property prices rolling over and investors rushing for the exits. As ever, though, in times of pressure loan serviceability remains key.
Despite a backdrop of weaker returns and uncertainty, Australian Ethical has continued to grow via great engagement and ‘consumer love’.
Alceon is mindful of challenging conditions and rising costs for purveyors of private debt, but has a confident outlook with positive signs starting to show.
Many are seeking to oversimplify ESG, which is an inherently complex part of investing, while others are overcomplicating what is really a simple consideration.
A dramatic reporting season saw over 40 per cent of companies surprise to the upside, less than 30 per cent disappoint and a third fall in line with expectations.
Pete Robinson presents the case for Australian private debt using a supermarket chain case study.
Atchison Consultants’ Kevin Toohey on why bond benchmarks only cover a slice of a diverse universe.