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A confluence of compounding returns, further contributions and tax-paid status make investment bonds an attractive option for grandparents looking to give their loved ones a financial leg-up in life.
The flip in the negative correlation between bonds and equities has revealed that the protections investors took for granted were based entirely on assumption. Now they need to diversify their diversification.
What the Brisbane-based lower-mid tier private equity group is pulling off is emblematic of the success private equity players are enjoying in recent times. But each PE player has their own unique strategy that largely defines just how well they’re doing.
Private market returns are nothing to sneeze at, but investors need to consider whether their prospective allocation is worth doing the hard work to understand the liquidity and transparency issues that come with it.
Secondaries aren’t new, but the growth of private markets in the last decade has propelled the assets into the mainstream as investors from different pools of capital line up the benefits.
The contemporary notion of senior secured loans needs to be updated to reflect some of the inherent characteristics that make it one of the fastest growing asset classes in markets.
Natural catastrophe reinsurance and music royalties have been big winners for PG3, the family office of the founders of Partners Group, which is now bringing its “highly differentiated” uncorrelated strategy to Australian investors.
Companies are eschewing publicly listed markets in favour of private ownership, which has warped the availability of information to investors. For those with access, the advantage is heightened in certain sectors.
Self-funded retirees understand the capital risk in holding the ‘big four’. It’s one they’re prepared to take knowing their effective grossed-up yields are much higher than the nominal figure.
Private credit has been crying out for reporting standards that are clear and homogenous, but the industry is so disparate that a solution always seemed far away. That is, until the team at KeyInvest decided to do something about it.
There’s around 15,000 hedge funds in the world – but how many of them are really hedge funds? When you’re looking for non- or less-correlated returns, it might pay to stay away from a long bias.
Born out of a government program, the Specialist Disability Income sector has expanded into a robust private market investment opportunity for those with the expertise to navigate its unique characteristics.