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Australians expect $200K retirement savings gap as FORO concerns grow

Higher rates and the cost of living, on top of global events, have contributed to increased Fear Of Running Out across the country. Yet the level of concern may be relatively unfounded, AMP reports.

Tahn Sharpe | 5th Oct 2022 | More
Australia surges up retirement security ranks

By holding ground in areas such as quality of life, material well-being, finances and health while other countries fell back, Australia moved up two spots to 5th on the latest Natixis Global Retirement Index.

Tahn Sharpe | 29th Sep 2022 | More
  • Hit to retirement savings expected in 2021-22

    As share markets fall, superannuation research houses are predicting a negative financial year for both balanced and growth superannuation funds.

    Nicki Bourlioufas | 20th Jun 2022 | More
    Retirement incomes the new battleground for advisers

    The government feels it has adequately dealt with the issue of how financial advisers go about their business. Now it is focused on the advice itself, with retirement incomes the new battleground. Into the fray yesterday (August 23) the Actuaries Institute launched its new policy document, ‘Securing Adequate Retirement Incomes for an Ageing Australia’ Download…

    Greg Bright | 23rd Aug 2021 | More
  • Parametric highlights key trends emerging as the YFYS legislation nears

    Global investment manager Parametric (part of the Morgan Stanley group of companies), which advise on over $378 billion in assets, this week highlighted key issues with the impending Your Future Your Super (YFYS) legislation. Among its views was the need for many funds, but particularly those with weaker recent performance, to “focus on the basics”…

    Staff Writer | 7th Jun 2021 | More
    Forget politics, retirement strategies the real battleground

    People talk about the importance of taking the time to build a platform for any endeavour. If that’s the case for developing a commercial mass-market range of retirement solutions, Allianz and PIMCO have given themselves a head start with their platform – Allianz Retire+. Starting in 2015 in PIMCO’s Sydney office, the notion of putting…

    Greg Bright | 21st Feb 2021 | More
    Atchison on solving the retirement riddle

    The issue of retirement income has arguably become far too politicised in recent years, with rational debate seemingly scarce. While the focus inevitably falls on the political football that is superannuation, the Age Pension doesn’t get the attention it deserves. The federal government’s retirement income review, released late last year, showed that the pension will…

    James Dunn | 17th Feb 2021 | More
    Review offers up ammunition for super fight

    There were no recommendations in the Retirement Income Review final report, and nor did there need to be. In the highly charged political environment around super, there was sufficient evidence for the Government to do what it wants. Michael Callaghan, the chair, and his two panelists, Carolyn Kay and Deborah Ralston, deliver more than 600…

    Greg Bright | 23rd Nov 2020 | More
    Governments hurt pensions adequacy

    Australia has slipped from third place in the world rankings for adequacy, sustainability and integrity of our super system to fourth place, being leap-frogged by new entrant Israel. The impact of COVID-19 has cost almost all systems, particularly those which allowed access to savings or relaxed contributions rules. The Mercer CFA Institute 12th annual global…

    Greg Bright | 19th Oct 2020 | More
  • Super tax changes will cost retirees

    The possibility for government to increase superannuation taxes in response to the ballooningbudget deficit caused by COVID-19 could severely hurt member balances at retirement, according to a research note by the global implementation specialist manager Parametric. Raewyn Williams, head of research (Australia) and analyst Josh McKenzie, in a short paper titled“Will retirees pay the price…

    Staff Writer | 10th Sep 2020 | More
    We’re delaying major life events and our retirement income system hasn’t caught up

    Asked to conduct an independent review of Australia’s retirement income system, the panel appointed by treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported on Friday that it was all tied up with the family home.

    Contributor | 26th Nov 2019 | More