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Gravitation of advisers to the city a function of business models: Wealth Data

Whether an adviser is based in their state’s capital city or not has more to do with their chosen business model than anything else, according to new research from Wealth Data.

Tahn Sharpe | 24th Jul 2023 | More
‘Unconscionable conduct’: AMP lambasted in first round of BOLR battle

The judge was satisfied that Equity suffered “loss and damage” as a result of AMPFP’s breach of contract, while the language used for the licensee’s treatment of Wealthstone was even stronger. AMP acknowledged the result, and did not rule out an appeal.

Tahn Sharpe | 6th Jul 2023 | More
  • So who has more advisers per capita, the US or Australia?

    The barriers to enter the advice profession differ significantly between the two nations, as do the regulatory parameters. Despite the differences, the US and Australian advice industries have a big problem in common.

    Tahn Sharpe | 3rd Jul 2023 | More
    Advisers, banks winning back consumer trust: ASX report

    The public appears to be rewarding efforts to reshape the financial advice and banking industries after the royal commission, with advisers and the banks both enjoying an increase in faith across the community.

    Tahn Sharpe | 22nd Jun 2023 | More
  • FSC, product providers bemoan lack of support from ASIC on innovation

    On what was set up as a discussion around the proposals put forward by the Quality of Advice Review, the topic repeatedly shifted to the frustration providers felt at not being able to work with ASIC to bring compliant solutions to market.

    Tahn Sharpe | 9th Jun 2023 | More
    This time it’s different: Scaling up the advice, not the distribution channels

    Product distribution is still embedded in advice, but with banks out of the game expansive product flogging programs are no longer ubiquitous. Businesses are growing based on their advice proposition now, with investment products increasingly put to the side.

    Tahn Sharpe | 8th Jun 2023 | More
    Shhh… don’t mention the wealth: Family offices fret about online boasting

    A desire to flaunt ubiquitous wealth on social media is putting moneyed families at risk, according to family office representatives, with extortion and kidnapping “a legitimate concern”.

    Tahn Sharpe | 5th Jun 2023 | More
    Levy details ‘frustration’ with consumer groups opposing advice review proposals

    The infamous open letter penned by advice review leader Michelle Levy wasn’t so much a slight on the government, she explained, but an expression of her consternation with CHOICE. “I think there’s a very profound misunderstanding,” she said.

    Tahn Sharpe | 1st Jun 2023 | More
    Execs take up to 60 per cent pay cut to join new liquid equities fund manager Blackwattle

    Having poached a number of high-profile portfolio managers (often at a discount), and with backing from family offices and high net worth investors, new boutique Blackwattle is trying to correct the “inadequacies” of the Australian funds management industry.

    Lachlan Maddock | 25th May 2023 | More
  • Upfront advice tax deductibility a possibility mid-2023 after four years of consultation

    Back in 2019, then-FPA CEO Dante De Gori and Tangelo Advice Consulting’s Conrad Travers engaged the ATO to see if it would be open to updating guidance on the tax deductibility of upfront advice fees. By the middle of this year, we should see the outcome.

    Tahn Sharpe | 18th May 2023 | More
    Adviser numbers swell as Professional Year candidates come through

    “The worst case scenario is that things have definitely stabilised,” Wealth Data’s Colin Williams tells The Inside Adviser. “Best case scenario is that we’re seeing some growth.”

    Tahn Sharpe | 15th May 2023 | More
    Divisive experience pathway proposal plan ‘upset’ FAAA members: Abood

    “There’s so much pain, so much division on this one,” FAAA CEO Sarah Abood said of the proposed exemption. “It actually really upsets me, as I know it upsets many members.”

    Tahn Sharpe | 15th May 2023 | More
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