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The bad news that’s good news for markets: Invesco

Cracks are opening up in global economies around the world, with increasing unemployment a bellwether for softening conditions. A tipping point is on the horizon, but central banks remain wary.

Tahn Sharpe | 15th Jul 2024 | More
US tech giants could be a bargain in platform change game: Capital Group

In the AI-fueled rally, some companies will win and others will disappear. But while some parts of the market look hideously expensive, their long-term prospects might justify their valuations.

Lachlan Maddock | 15th Jul 2024 | More
  • ‘Not yet’ investors are savvy, and successful… until they aren’t

    An eventual market correction won’t necessarily be marked by its depth, the famed British investor writes, but by its speed. Caution may come at a price, but Ruffer believes that cost will take on a different perspective by the time it’s been paid in full.

    Jonathan Ruffer | 11th Jul 2024 | More
    ‘An asset you’d want to own’: Fixed income stability to offset rate uncertainty

    Whether you perceive the RBA’s messaging to be balanced or mixed, the uncertainty serves as a reminder that fixed income is a vital sleeve in any investment portfolio.

    Staff Writer | 8th Jul 2024 | More
  • Are ASX-listed asset managers undervalued or just falling knives?

    Listed asset managers may be undervalued, Morningstar believes, and there are opportunities for well-positioned firms to rebound as the new interest rate cycle takes effect. But the mid- to long-term outlook may be more problematic.

    Tahn Sharpe | 4th Jul 2024 | More
    Global market ‘sways towards private debt’ as SPV usage tipped to soar

    As market conditions turn, private debt is expected to lead the charge of private capital disbursement across the globe, with special purpose vehicles increasingly at the heart of deals according to a new study.

    Staff Writer | 27th Jun 2024 | More
    Ongoing economic concerns present golden opportunity in Chinese market: Pzena

    It’s been one of the most disappointing regions in the world in terms of performance, but Pzena Investment Management thinks China’s bombed-out equity market presents “a real win opportunity”.

    Staff Writer | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
    Don’t sell in May and go away: Why stocks have room to run

    Indices are flush in developed markets the world over, but that doesn’t mean prices have necessarily peaked according to Invesco chief global market strategist Kristina Hooper.

    Kristina Hooper | 3rd Jun 2024 | More
    The risks and rewards of diversified credit funds

    They may be the flavour of the month, and probably for good reason, but are diversified credit funds all that they’re cracked up to be? Will Arnost takes a look at the top performing funds on the Atchison APL.

    Will Arnost | 30th May 2024 | More
  • What makes a good company AGM, and when it’s right to turn someone’s mic off

    Whether it’s the right agenda, executive engagement, cold catering or the right to put a rambunctious shareholder on mute, there are myriad elements that go into an effective AGM according to those who’ve had their fair share.

    Tahn Sharpe | 23rd May 2024 | More
    Smart income derivative equity funds gain ascendancy during volatility cycle

    Managing a derivative equity income portfolio involves several complex challenges, but the payoff for investors during periods of volatility can be significant according to Atchison Consultants.

    Will Arnost | 16th May 2024 | More
    Why private credit is a double-edged sword

    Private credit has seen huge inflows in recent years, but contrary to the claims made by some of its advocates it’s not a defensive asset class or a substitute for investment grade corporate and sovereign bonds.

    George Lin | 6th May 2024 | More
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