Dr Christian Baylis from Fortlake Asset Management speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on how common assets can create uncommon outcomes.
Scott Bennett from Invesco speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on the idiosynchratic machinations of the Australian small-cap market.
Bob Desmond from Claremont Global speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on buying businesses that thrive in even the worst of times.
Richard Rauch from Brandywine Global speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on the importance of mean reversion in value analysis.
Shane Hurst from ClearBridge Investments speaks to Giselle Roux at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on investors meet at the intersection between AI and energy.
Nick Miller from Fortitude Investment Partners speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on the mid-market private equity attraction.
Ashley Burtenshaw from Gryphon Capital Investments (a company of Barings) speaks to James Dunn at The Inside Network’s Investment Leaders Forum in Queenstown, New Zealand on the importance of flexibility and predictability in fixed income.
Nick Miller from Fortitude Investment Partners speaks to Lachlan Maddock from The Inside Network on how the local market differs from the international market.
Nick Miller from Fortitude Investment Partners speaks to Lachlan Maddock from The Inside Network on what success in mid-market private equity looks like.
Laurence Parisi from Trilogy Funds speaks to James Dunn from The Inside Network on finding dependable and resilient income.