The rise of passive investment makes tremendous sense, especially when the index being tracked is on the large cap side. Move down the index, however, and it can pay to have someone sorting out the winners from the losers.
NZ punches above its weight in many sectors, with deeptech the latest to surge on the back of a global mindset, an abundant talent pool and VC enterprise that knows where the right ideas are and how to propagate them.
The move from Viridian and CFS to provide personal advice in a scaled manner highlights a growing willingness within the industry to fix its own problems in lieu of waiting for the government.
Private markets are worth around $14 trillion globally, ASIC believes. It’s not sure, and that uncertainty hints at the wider problem – private markets, and their effect on public ones, is still largely a mystery.
The amount of complaints against advisers that reach AFCA has plummeted in the authority’s five years of operation, and it’s not just falling adviser numbers that are contributing to the improvement in consumer satisfaction.
Australian investors are looking past the allure of franking credits and moving towards more unbiased diversification, with ETFs providing a cheap, liquid and highly available access point.
The phenomenal growth of private equity’s big players has left a yawning gap in the lower-mid market, which enterprising players like Fortitude Investment Partners are all-too keen to step in to and take advantage of.
The merged association has added a new core driver to its strategic objectives for the next six years, with growing the profession now a top priority. But the inherent challenges, and past failures, are forcing the FAAA to try new ways of getting more advisers on the books.Â
With rates well and truly crested and bonds once again showing their strength as a defensive ballast mechanism, Capital Group believes the time might be right for investors to swap out cash-like investment vehicles for investment grade credit.
The US advice system is the largest in the world, and the trend towards more comprehensive advice provision is a significant harbinger of a global shift towards full-service, holistic wealth.