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Staff Writer results

Revolution expands investment team to meet growing demand

Revolution Asset Management, a specialist private debt manager under the Channel Capital stable, has announced new appointments to its investment team to meet growing demand from institutional and wholesale clients.  Lucie Bielczykova and Steve Sutinen will be joining the growing firm as assistant portfolio manager and portfolio manager respectively. Established in 2017, Revolution has grown…

Staff Writer | 17th Feb 2021 | More
Three stocks that delivered for Sage Capital in December

Most fund managers would probably prefer smooth sailing in their first 18 months of operation, not a global pandemic and the most volatile period for equity markets in recent history. But Sean Fenton of Sage Capital, which is backed by the growing Channel Capital group, welcomed the volatility. The fund, which started in August 2019…

Staff Writer | 8th Feb 2021 | More
Evergreen launches portfolio stress-testing tool for advisers

Evergreen Consultants, founded by experienced consultant Angela Ashton, this week launched an industry leading stress testing program for financial advisers. It is said to be the first of its kind made available in the ‘retail market’ and is available to Evergreen clients via their proprietary GreenVUE reporting platform. The launch comes after the most volatile…

Staff Writer | 8th Feb 2021 | More
Platinum looks within to replace top performing manager

The departure of top performing Asia Fund manager Joseph Lai before Christmas has forced contrarian value manager Platinum Asset Management into some leadership changes. The company announced to the ASX recently that Clay Smolinksi, who is currently the Portfolio Manager of the Platinum International and Unhedged Funds would be promoted to co-CIO with Andrew Clifford….

Staff Writer | 4th Feb 2021 | More
Green bonds enter mainstream amid pandemic

According to think-tank Climate Bonds Initiative, green bonds were created to fund projects that have positive environmental or climate-related benefits. They typically fall into the basket of “use of proceeds” bonds where the capital raised is earmarked for green projects, but remain secured by the issuer’s entire balance sheet. Calvert Research & Management, an Eaton…

Staff Writer | 1st Feb 2021 | More
  • The stars are aligning for traditional ‘value’ stocks

    Angela Ashton, founder and director of asset consultant Evergreen Consultants, suggests that TINA – or ‘There is No Alternative,’ to equities, that is – will be one of the driving themes of 2021 for investors. After outperforming the Chant West superannuation benchmarks, delivering a return of 4.93% from its balanced option for 2020, Evergreen now…

    Staff Writer | 28th Jan 2021 | More
    Quoted funds powering Mainstream

    Investment and superannuation service provider Mainstream Group (ASX: MAI) reported a 20 per cent yearly rise in funds under administration this week. The company, which has broadened its services from traditional administration including application forms and tax reporting, to complementary businesses lines like custody and superannuation, is riding a tailwind of structural growth. Founded in…

    Staff Writer | 26th Jan 2021 | More
    BNY Mellon launches ‘Future’ thematic focus

    BNY Mellon, one of the three oldest banks in the US, in partnership with its subsidiary Newton Investment Management, is launching a range of industry-leading global equity strategies. Aptly named the “Future” funds, they will seek to offer investors exposure to the tailwinds associated with climate change, the revolution in food production and importantly, the…

    Staff Writer | 18th Jan 2021 | More
    Is it time to be dynamic?

    Dynamic asset allocation (DAA) refers to the process of frequently and significantly adjusting the mix of asset classes in a given portfolio. It sits at the stark opposite end of the strategic asset allocation (SAA) approach implemented by most financial advisers and pension funds, which effectively relies on a set-and-forget allocation with some tinkering around…

    Staff Writer | 5th Oct 2020 | More
    Q&A with Fabio Ferro

    This week we had the pleasure of speaking with the exceptional Fabio Ferro, Director of Scala Private Wealth. Specialising in investment advice for high-net-worth families, Fabio is an avid writer and outspoken market commentator. Here’s what he had to say: Favourite weekend activity in COVID-19 lockdown? Heading out cycling with my boys. What was your…

    Staff Writer | 5th Oct 2020 | More
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