There are probably few things more certain to glaze the eyes of investors than discussing risk-adjusted returns or efficient frontiers, never mind Sharpe ratios and the like. To be transparent, how many within the industry really focus on these statistics when creating a portfolio? As the momentum shifts away from 60/40 portfolios, the traditional volatility…
Listed infrastructure represents what is both great and frustrating in investment funds. The domain is largely captured by private investors and their representatives, as institutional pension funds prefer the benign pricing that unlisted assets offer. Infrastructure is arguably the equity market’s expression of economic growth, interest rates and inflation in perfect unison. Aggregate revenue across…
While one can fret about the relative performance of equity and fixed income funds, the frustration with those that have underperformed is directed at their evident style bias.
Though no longer a new theme, non-bank lending requires a refresher. Everyone is by now aware of the limitations of bank finance and therefore the provision of alternative capital. The reality of this shift in credit to the private sector is that investors will wear the losses that banks used to do, but with a…
Consider the process by which a security or investment is priced. Separately, if it has similar fundamental underpinnings to the core part of portfolio, typically listed equity.
Most fund managers or asset owners you may question to about ESG have probably stated that they are a signatory of the UN PRI at the very beginning of the conversation. Most likely, this would be mentioned as evidence of their broader commitment to ESG investing.
Inflation is an age demographic phenomenon; ask anyone with a vintage pre 1980s’ versus the younger set. To a lesser extent is inequality. The case for the former is growing, and notably too the number of investment groups that are discussing the topic. Unlike central bank accommodation and deleveraging post the financial crisis, this time…
The Inside Network’s InnerCircles are designed to assist Australia’s leading IFAs, Instos and Investors overcome specific challenges and impart the knowledge each needs to gain competitive advantage. We are proud to be the destination of choice for members of the finance community seeking to improve their businesses and find innovative service providers via our InnerCircle…
Currencies are the closest cousin to this age cohort in investment markets.
The eye of the beholder More than ever, one considers prospects from the domain within one resides. Locally, we in Victoria naturally have a bleak view compared to the states with few COVID cases. Have a conversation with associates in the US on nearly any topic and inevitably strongly held views are exposed. Opinions on…