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Move over supermarkets, utilities and gold bullion. When it comes to defensive exposures, there’s nothing more compelling than medical device providers that prevent deaths from chronic diseases in rapidly ageing populations. According to global Sydney-based specialist equities manager Cordis Asset Management, chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory failure and diabetes account for 80 per…
It’s commonly stated that career risk is among the biggest factors that drives the perceived under-performance of most active managers. The evidence suggests that as successful managers attract more capital and their remuneration increases, they tend to regress back to the benchmark. But why is this so? With success comes more assets under management and…
There have been plenty of reasons to visit a bookie recently, given the Melbourne Cup Carnival and the US election. Financial commentators provide a rather dull set of probabilities on what the result on the latter could be and a predictable list of winners and losers. One trend that looks set to continue is the…
Return of the A$ Corporate Hybrid Market Many of us who are old enough will remember the once-thriving ASX-listed corporate hybrid market as a constant feature of the pre-GFC Australian credit landscape, with the innovatively named Multiplex SITES, Fairfax PRESSES and Dexus RENTS securities (among others) offering returns and features to meet the risk appetites…